Chapter 8

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I slowly turned around and saw my dad. He looked so mad right now.

"Well, I-I, umm-"

"What do you mean you got suspended?!" He asked.

"Brooke! She blaimed me for hitting her! Wh-"

"You got into a fight?!"

"If you would ler me finish! I got into a talking fight! I would never get into a physical fight! And the principal is out to get me! I called her a bitch, and my teacher told Mr.Parker, and he said I got in a fight, fight!"

"Get in the car." He growled.

"Ugh!" I stormed out of the room and made my way to the car.

Why does he never believe me?! He's always taking the students sides if it has something to do with me and a student!

"Princess! Wait up!" Uncle Niall shouts.

I just kept walking. I wasn't in the mood for any of them. Maybe Uncle Zayn, because he loves and believes me.

I heard footsteps, and realize Uncle Zayn is walking besides me.

"Just declare court." He said.

You see, in the Tomlinson/Malik/Payne/Horan/Styles house, we made a thing called court. When there is an argument, and it is 2 against the rest or so on, you can declare court. And you MUST attend court.

"Good idea Uncle Zee!" I said, stopping and hugging him.

We get to the car, and dad and my other Uncles get in. We sit in silence for awhile, until I decide to break it.

"I declare court." I said. Haha suuuuckers!! Can't say no!

"No, Elsa. It is already dealt with." Dad said. Did he just say..... No?!

"Bullshit!" I yell in frustration.

"Elsa Infinity! You do not use that kind of language!  How many times have your Uncles and I told you that?!" Dad asked.

"Not Uncle Zayn.." I mumbled.

"What was that?" Dad asked again!

"Nothing, but you made up the rule that when someone declares court, you have to attend!"

"I don't care what I said! It's final that there will be no court!" He exclaimed.

"No! It's no fair, that when you call court, we go through with it! Why not me?! I'm a Tomlinson! I have the power to sass your ass out if I want to! Whe-"

"Elsa, god dammit! There will be no god damn court! If you speak one peep out of your mouth, oh god so help me!" Dad yelled.

I just sat there looking at him with a blank expression as he looked at me with anger, and disappointment. He deserves it.

When we got home I ran up to my room and slammed the door, heading to my bed. But not before locking the door.

A few minutes later, there was our secret knock.

*Knock... Knock, knock, knock....Knock... Knock, knock.*

I ran to my door and peeked out to see my favorite Uncle. Don't tell the other boys!

I gave him a big hug. I pulled back and looked at his outfit.

"Why are you wearing a blazer Uncle Zee?" I ask suspiciously.

"I declared court Miss.Tomlinson. Shall I escort  you to the judges room?" He ask holding out an arm.

I grinned ear to ear ar him.

"Yes you shall, Mr.Malik."


"You didn't listen to the whole story! You have no clue what happend! You weren't in that art room when she was teasing me! You weren't in that room when I called her a bitch!  Might I add, which was the only thing I called her!" I screeched.

"Settle down!" Uncle Lia- Judge Payne said.

"I do have some evidence," Uncle Zayn said. "I called Brooke down, and she didn't have any bruises, or any blood. And if it's one thing I taught Elsa, it was how to punch."

"So, you didn't punch her?" Dad asked.

"No! She's in your last period class, did you see a bruise?" I asked.

"No." Dad said.

"Then it's clearly settled that Elsa, is innocent." Judge Liam said.

I cheered and started running around the couch, table, etc. Until I got picked up and through over someones shoulder. I looked down and saw brown boots. Uncle Harry.

"Uncle Harry!" I laughed.

"Told you she was innocent!" He yelled.

"What?! That's a lie!" I said laughing.

Then we all laughed

Louis Tomlinsons daughter. (One Direction)Where stories live. Discover now