I groaned but got up anyway. I shut my speaker and laptop off and brought them upstairs. I went into my closet and got this outfit together.

 I went into my closet and got this outfit together

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

I let my hair down and applied minimal makeup. I grabbed my phone and wallet and walked downstairs. I saw Tessa waiting for me on her phone.

"I'm ready to go!" I yelled

"Jeez okay no need to yell." She said while laughing.

We both shared a laugh as she grabbed her car keys.

"Bye Apollo mommy will be home later." I said before shutting the door.

We got into Tessa's car and she started driving. After about 20 minutes we arrive at Dave and Busters Arcade.

"And this Y/N is something I like to call Having Fun. You should try it sometime." she smiled.

I playfully rolled my eyes and smiled.

We walked up to the front desk so we can get our cards.

"Hi welcome to Dave and Busters! How can I help you today?" This girl asked us.

Tessa paid for her stuff then it was my turn.

"Can I get one of the lanyards and $200 dollars worth of points please?" He nodded his head and gave me a black lanyard with my card activated on it.

I paid and me and Tessa had a ball. After a few hours we walked up to the place where we could check our ticket totals.

Tessa had 17,302 tickets. I had 31,672 tickets. I think it's because I was better at the games and I spent the most money on points.

We went into the prize place and went crazy. This is what I got.

After all of that I still had about 2,378 tickets so I just bought M&Ms with it

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

After all of that I still had about 2,378 tickets so I just bought M&Ms with it. Once we finally finished we went to Tessa's car and put all of our stuff in.

She drove us home and to our surprise every one was home. We grabbed our stuff and walked inside.

All heads turned towards us once we walked in. Jake walked up to me and he went to give me a hug.

I ducked under his arms and walked upstairs. I put all my stuff in the room. I changed my phone case to the one I got at the arcade.

"Y/N what's wrong? Why did you do that downstairs?" Jake asked me walking into the room.

I sighed and turned around.

"Jake, I'm sick and tired of you acting like I don't exist. Today you left me alone in the house. I tried calling but nobody answered. I cried Jake and I know how much you hate it when I do but, what else was I supposed to do? Jake I feel like I'm not important to you anymore. It's like your acting Brand New and it's like the fame got to your head. It's like the amount of subscribers you have is all that matters. All of the time your with the crew and I just feel left out. I get it that they are your friends but, what about me. I love you Jake like a lot but what happened to the Jake I fell in love with?" I walked out the room and went downstairs.

I walked outside and sat on the trampoline. I laid down and looked up at the sky.

I let a few tears fall down my face. About 20 minutes goes by and I finally decide to walk inside. As I was about to go upstairs I see Jake standing at the front door with a huge ass bouquet of flowers in his hand.

I smile and grab my phone. I took a picture and posted it on snapchat.

"Y/N, I know that I've been acting like a real douche bag to you and I'm sorry

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"Y/N, I know that I've been acting like a real douche bag to you and I'm sorry. I'm sorry for making it seem like I cared more about the fame than you. I love you So much, words can't even describe. I'm sorry for acting like I was a brand new person. From now on I promise to spend more time with you no matter what. You are my future Y/N and I love you to the moon and back." He said before handing me the flowers.

I gladly accepted them and pulled him in for a kiss. I put my hand on his neck and and grabbed my waist. He Leaned forwards and brought me back up.

"I love you Y/N Y/L/N." Jake exclaimed.

"And I love you Jake paul." I said back.

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