Alex's Help

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In Camelot, it was a beautiful evening.  Alex and her family never had a real family meal in a long time, becuase Arthur would always be doing his King duties, but today he promised one.  That evening, Alex sat at her dinner table waiting for her husband and her twin girls to join her for their family meal.

"Hi mommy."  Alex's daughter Annabelle said walking into the dining room and sat down next to her. 

Annabelle was bookworm, a dreamer and was incredibly smart just like her mother.  Annabelle always had her strawberry blonde hair with bangs in a high bun with little white flowers in it and she wore a pink dress with white flats.

"Mom I love this book.  Thank you again."  Annabelle said.

"Awe, your welcome Annabelle."  Alex said.  "I remember loving that book when I was your age."

"I want to be like Alice one day.  I want to travel to another world where everything is colorful and beautiful."  Annabelle said.  "Hey mom, could I use your portal potion?"

"No you cannot."  Alex said.  "When your older, we'll go into all the books you want and we'll meet all your favorite characters."

"Really?!  Thank you mommy."  Annabelle hugged her mother and that's when her father and her identical twin sister Allyson came into the room. 

Allyson was the complete opposite of Annabelle.   She loved to sword fight, go on adventures, and learn spells from Mother Goose and Merlin.  Allyson and Annabelle were both born with magical abilities, but the twins were being trained to do completely different things.  Allyson was destined to be queen of Camelot, and Annabelle was destined to be the future Fairy Godmother.  So while Allyson practiced her magic with Merlin and Mother Goose, Annabelle learned from her mother and the fairies in the Fairytale World.

Allyson was blonde and always wore her hair in a ponytail, and wore a dark blue dress with a belt with a pocket that was meant for a sword.  Even though Alex would never allow her to put a real sword in it, or even fight with one.

"You two are late."  Alex said.

"I'm sorry my darling, I had a last minute meeting with the knights of the round table."  Arthur said and kissed his wife's forehead and sat next to her at the head of the table.

"Hey Annabelle, guess what I learned about today with Merlin?"  Allyson said.

"What?"  Annabelle asked putting down her book.

"I learned how to shape shift."  Allyson said and smiled.  "Well I only learned to transform into a mouse, but it was awesome."

"What?  I don't know that yet."  Annabelle said and looked at her mother.  "Mom why?  That sounds so cool."

"Merlin and I teach different things.  So there will be things Allyson will know and somethings you will know.  The good thing about this is that, then you can teach each other the spells you don't know."  Alex said.  "It will be a good sister thing you two can do."

"So girls, your sixth birthday is in two days,"  Arthur said.  "Have you decided what you want to do?"

"I would like to travel to the Otherworld to see grandma and grandpa."  Allyson said.

"I would love to do that too, and see Uncle Conner and Aunt Bree."  Annabelle said.

"I think that sounds like a great idea.  Let's do it."  Arthur said.  Suddenly a guard came into the dining room.

"Your highnesses, you have some visitors."  The guard said. 

The girls, Alex and Arthur got up from their seats, and walked down the hallway and saw Conner and Bree, with Charlie, Matthew, Elizabeth and Carrie.

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