C H A P T E R 3: P A G E 4

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Hey I'm running out of trote lyrics so I'm gonna use other song lyrics until he drops a new album bc yeah on with the story

Remember the way you made me feel,

Such young love but something in me knew that it was real


I stood in Georgio's bathroom staring at my reflection. My face wet. I had splashed water on it. My legs were jelly. My heart was racing 50 miles a minute. The chances of them figuring out my life are high. My dads on TV for fucks sake. Drying my face off, I open the bathroom door and walk into Georgio's room.

Just my fucking luck.

My dad is on the screen.

Talking about me.

On million Dollar Listing.

And Georgio is watching. Intensely.

There are two options for me at the moment: I could run. Literally. Like, I could grab my things and bolt out of his house and never speak to him again. In fact, I could book a flight back to London! My second option is to admit it. I could tell him how rich and snobby my dad is. I could tell him that I don't usually wear casual clothing and that I don't settle for anything below $1,000. I could be completely honest.

Running seems way easier right now. I won't have to worry about him running off an telling people. I won't have to worry about people expecting me to hash out cash to everyone all time. I can leave America behind.

Right now.

The truth of the matter is, at the end of the day, they will know who I am whether I leave or not. So I might as well tell the truth. How does that saying go? The truth will set you free? But will this truly set me free. I'm thinking too hard about this.

"....Hey there..." I said creeping into Georgio's room step by step. His head swatted from the screen to look at me.

"Well there's not much I can say huh? So um... That's my dad. Shocker huh? I guess that was pretty self explanatory given that we have the same name. I didn't wanna tell you because o didn't want you to think any different of me. Every time I tell someone, they change, y'know? I apologize for not being truthful from the begging." I stood there awkwardly.

It was silent. Well, other than the TV. We stood there in silence for a little bit. He turned down the TV and sat there. In the same spot. Just sitting there. Not looking at me but... sitting there.

"I know." He replied as if it was nothing.

Oh thank god he already kne-WAIT WHAT

"I'm sorry..,you knew already?" I asked completely perplexed.

"Yeah. I just didn't know if you wanted me to know l-o-l." He insisted.

"Well um..." I started to scratch my head. I was worried for nothing.

"I mean hey, your dad wants to buy you an island!" He suggested trying to break the atmosphere.

"Ahah yeah I guess." I said walking over to the bed sitting next to him.

"Do you wanna watch something else?" He asked handing me the remote with a warm smile.

For some odd reason, i felt more accepted then usual. Not in a friend way but I'm a caring way. It felt weird. His smile was so sweet and cheekbones were lifted just slightly. His brownish hair fell slightly over his eye and then he swiped it to the side. Something about him in this moment was so precious. I felt this feeling in my stomach I never felt before. It doesn't feel like butterflies. More than that. It's indescribable.

Am I falling for Georgio?

This chapter is short I know it's bc I had 2 SOL's and the PSAT this week. :/ I will update very soon!


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