chapter 8

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"Are you sure you're okay?"

Here I am sitting down on a bed, against my will might I add, trying to convince these two idiots that I'm perfectly fine.

"I'm so sorry....."

"Will you shut the fuck up and listen to me!!".

Rolling my eyes, I got up from the bed and made my way to Luke and Dan almost wanting to twist their lips as they pouted like I just stole from them.

"Thank you. Now Dan, you really should stop apologizing, it wasn't your fault at all and you, why are you apologizing??" I asked turning to Luke.

"If I had been there..... "

"That's a stupid excuse Lucas you can't stop a moving car". I said shutting him up.
"Can I go home now??"

"No". I looked at the door as it pushed open and Caleb walked in. "You can't go home, not now at least"

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me". He said folding his arms.

"Who's going to stop me?"

"I think the answer is obvious.  You're a human, you won't stand a chance against the weakest wolf in this house".

"Wanna bet?".

Smirking, his walks over to the balcony and that's when I notice my environment.

This isn't the same place I was two weeks ago. This place is different. There are no houses around just trees and trees and trees. I think I'm going to pass out.

"Where are we?" I asked going after him.

"At the pack house"

"The what now??"

"This is the crescent pack house Sky. It's where the Alpha, Beta, Gamma and family stay".

He called me Sky and I have to admit it felt really good. It love to hear him say it in bed.

What is wrong with me?

"Back to my first question. Why can't I go home?" I said clearing my thoughts.

"It's not safe. Someone's after you"

"Excuse me?" I asked turning to Sophia, Ian's girlfriend as she spoke.

"Someone knows you are Caleb's mate and they'll do anything to have you killed". Ian said walking over to Sophie and pulling her to his side.

"It's too early for someone to try killing me now don't you think?" I said not surprised. I know what would happen to Caleb if I die and I know he has enemies so this doesn't surprise me at all.

"I also think it's too soon" Luke cut in "Someone must have told them, someone from our pack".

"Who's them?" I asked now very confused.

"You guys can leave my room now, I'd like to talk her alone". Caleb cut in sharply and Luke gave me a hug before walking out with the rest, flipping Caleb off as he growled deeply.

The room was awfully and uncomfortably silent for a few minutes until Caleb walked up to me and stood right in front of me. I could feel his breath on my hair as I stared directly at his chest.

"I hate how close you are with Luke" I looked up at him as he spoke and a gasp escaped my lips as I saw how dark his eyes were.
"I don't want you close to any other guy but me" he said grabbing my arms.

"I can be with whoever I want to be with" I said slowly, teasing him. The grip he had on my hand tightened a bit as he took slow steps backwards until my back was pressed against a wall.

"You are wrong about that princess. You are mine, all mine and only mine. Say it" his voice low and threatening.

"I do not belong to anyone Caleb" I said his name coming out as a whisper teasing him more.

"Don't test me Sky, say it" he said tightening his grip more and now I was getting frustrated. I raised up my leg hard and kicked him on his shin making him release my arms.

"In your dreams, asshole" I said turning around and making my way to the door.
Before I could touch the door knob I was being pinned again by a very angry looking Caleb.

"You should learn to respect me Sky" he said his voice not sounding the same again.
"I might not be able to control myself every time, especially around you".

"Let me go!"

"You are mine, I can hold you for as long as I want to Sky" he said his lips inches away from mine, Just when I taught he was about to kiss me, his lips landed on my cheeks. Slowly he kissed down my cheeks, nibbling my ears before going down to my neck.

This is wrong but at the same time, feels so right. My mind went completely blank as he sucked on my neck. This is going to leave a hickey and I don't want that.

Pushing Caleb away from me I walked over to the bedside and held my hands up as he made his way to come over.

"You need to tell me who's after me" I said trying to even my breath.

"They're rouges, you don't have to worry about them at all. I won't let them near you" he said coming to me.

Nodding my head, I taught of what to say to stop him from coming closer.

"I....I have bipolar disorder"

"I don't care" he said still taking slow steps towards me.

"The doctor says my case is special and it's contagious". I rushed out.

"I still don't care" he said smirking obviously not believing me.

Really, how do you expect him to believe such senseless things.

"You shouldn't come any closer Caleb, I still can't get over how amazing my first time was with Jack" I lied hoping this time he'd stop, and he did.

For a second, I was happy but then fear completely took over as I saw Caleb shake with anger.

His eyes were completely black and his hands were tightly balled into fists.

I tried telling him it was a joke but I was too late. In a matter of seconds, he was standing in front of me.

His hands went around my waist holding me tightly as his head went to my neck sniffing me. I stayed completely still noticing his body still shaking but it didn't do anything.

I felt a sharp, stinging pain on my neck and winced loudly looking up at Caleb in shock as he released me and wiped my blood from his lips.

This bastard.

He marked me.

He fucking marked me.

"You are so dead" I slurred as everything around me became blurry. I didn't want to pass out, not this time, but my body wasn't having any of it.

And that's when I noticed something, I've been doing a lot of passing out these days and everything has to do with my new crazy friends.

This chapter is kind of short and there might be lots of mistake cos it's 1:49 am and I really want to sleep soooooooooooooooooooo....i'm sorry.

But still, ENJOY.

Another thing is I'm getting really discouraged because no one is voting or commenting. Please someone give me a sign to keep going on. That you like the book 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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