-14- Two worlds, One family

Start from the beginning

"That was very considerate of you M'gann, thanks." Robin said, Conner stood and walked over to help the Martian with her once more wobbly tower.

Danny seemed to shrink as Conner passed, his head was lowered but his eyes were peeled for any sudden movements. Kaldur saw the commotion and decided he should join the conversation. He closed his book and walked up to Danny with surprising silence. But Danny had heard him coming anyway and turned to face the Atlantean.

"May I?" Kaldur gestured to the seat next to Danny, he fidgeted in his own before nodding with his eyes downcast. Kaldur sat down and Danny figured it was alright to not watch him as much, considering all the activity was in the opposite direction.

The tower fell and Connor tried to catch it, Danny winced as he braced for the crashing sound. When none came he opened an eye and saw the little boxes were floating with M'gann's hand outstretched towards them. Danny stared in shock, was that telekinesis? The movies floated back into their tower as if having their own minds. Danny flinched back, his mind going to robots.

Robin saw the movement and worry sparked in him, he didn't want Danny to have an episode in his first few minutes at the mountain. It would be bad for everyone, as good as Robin thought he was with Danny he didn't think that he could calm him down from an episode like yesterday's. Granted, neither could Batman but the possibility still lingered in his head.

Danny closed his eyes and concentrated on his breathing. You control the fear, there are no robots here, it was just telekinesis... whatever that is.

M'gann started spouting apologies, she didnt know whether the crash would be worse than the use of telekinesis or vice versa, so she went with her gut. Wally and Artemis didnt think much of it but Connor gave a worried glance in Phantom's direction, Robin followed soon after.

Danny was lost in his thoughts, trying to tame the wild fear inside of him. Kaldur saw his internal struggle, the little boy's fist clenching and unclenching. He placed a hand on his shoulder, Danny winced and turned to face him. His jaw was tight and his eyes flickered everywhere, never looking at one place for too long.

The robots came from the ground mostly, there could be one right around the corner. There could be one next to the couch, one coming out of the kitchen floor, they could be any-

"Phantom, are you alright my friend?" Kaldur's deep voice pierced his thoughts, Danny focused on the hand on his shoulder. That is real. the robots in my head are not. Danny squeezed his eyes shut and took a deep breath, he was fine.

He let the breath go and opened his eyes, his pounding heart calmed down and he nodded minutely. Kaldur released his shoulder and turned and saw Robin across the counter watching. The boy wonder first made eye contact with Danny, silently asking if he was good, again Danny nodded. Then he looked to Kaldur and he gave him half a smile, Danny hadn't freaked out on him.

"So what movie are we going to watch?" M'gann asked now that the movies were all lined up. To Wally's delight some of them were Disney movies. Robin walked over and surveyed the selection, he frowned as he looked. Disney would be good, we need something PG, he thought. Artemis picked up Interstellar.

"I've never seen this one before." She commented, Wally saw the movie in her hand and grinned.

"Really? Thats a great one! It's all about science and space and it's got really good CGI. There are these box robot things that help the humans and they are so cool! They look just like large boxes but they can split and create leg type things that help them move around, even little hooks for holding stuff." Wally said while moving his hands to imitate that of a box then moving his hands around to show how the robots would move.

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