dog dean literal stand point

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Dean had to go in first and  then this hunt he wanted to lead this hunt and I did which was a grave mistake since we were hunting a witch we got in and we all split up. suddenly heard commotion and then a thud when I turned the corner I saw something I thought would never happen but just the Winchesters luck it happened anyway as soon as I rounded the corner I saw a flash of light a dog Deans clothes on the floor and Sam tided up and I shot the witch in the heart and quickley untied Sam and then I rushed to Deans clothes and folded them and went to the impala and put them in the trunk. Soon a big german shepard ran out followed by Sam running after him it clicked what was happening "Dean come here " he shot over and was standing there I took my phone out and fliped the camera were he could see himself when he saw himself he whined "I dont wanna hear it I told you to let me take the lead on this one" i say to Dean as I open the door to the impala he looked at me "get in " I said and he did as told and looked at me walk to my bike that I had rode there and and he whined and barked I jumped not used to the dog  sounds and Sam laughed and I took off my shoe and threw it at Sam. "SHUT IT now what do you need dean" i said walking over to dean as the window was down and scrtched his head which made his tounge hang out of his mouth and his big ears lay down. I stop and walk back to my bike "we need to get to the bunker ill see you there " as I get on and soon after i speed off. In an hour we were there and i parked and waited till th impala stopped and i opened the passenger door to let Dean out he jumped out and bolted to the door leading to the main space and I opened the door and walked down the stars while Dean waited at the bottom for me "your not getting pie it will make you sick " i say with a smile he whines and gives me the puppy dog eyes "ill look it up to see if there is a recipe for dogs " i say with a chuckle and i bend down to get eye leave with him and he gives me a slobbery lick across the face "really Dean " i say whipping my face and walk to the kitcen to make the special pie and dinner that i knew was safe for dogs because i used to make it for our bomb dogs and they seemed to like it. I walk into the livingroom to see Dean on the couch watching tv  lets just say that first meal was wierd. While I was washing dishes Sam was doing research on how to Change dean back "Hey it syays here we just have to wait for it ware off in a week " Sam yells from the library. Then I hear ean whine and Sam said "look im not taking you to the bathroom " then Dean came in there to were I was "one bark for 1 and two barks for 2 " i say he barks once and I go find a leash that was in a storage box and improvised it to be a collar and leash combo and me and Dean headed upstares and when we were out side i had to look away or he would just sit there and i had to turn away to let him know i wasnt going to look he should know this im his sister.While we were walking in a car drove by and soaked me and  Dean in thick mud "Oh come on " i said to myself. We went inside and i gave dean a bath " there your clean now and smell better" i say with a soft smile then he went to go and lay down on the couch while i took a shower.

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