in my time of dying

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Dean woke up in the hospital with a broken arm and leg, Sam he was just bruised and scratched here and there ,john had a broken arm and a gun shot wound to the leg, but Kate   kate was a different story. Kate was in a coma Sam was the first  one to find out Sam had went to the front desk and asked for their sisters room and that's how he found out , when sam heard those words come out of the nurses mouth his heart dropped "sir her room number is 300, your brothers 223,and your fathers is 210" the nurse softly said. "thank you " Sam said and headed to his brothers room when sam had got their Dean knew it wasn't good  his brothers eyes were puffy from crying there was a wheelchair in the room for dean if he needed it after he got in the wheelchair he looked up to his younger brother "lets go see how Kates doing" he said with a smile on his face though when they got into the room you could hear the sound of their hearts breaking .

Kates p/v: 

The boys came into the room after I had walked in to see my body laying there still and pale. When dean was coming down the hallway he was smiling then he saw the ICU sign and he was getting scared you could tell it in his eyes, and when they entered the room you could almost hear their hearts shatter dean cried and grabbed my hand while sam had my other hand. I walked over to dean and put my hand on his cheek  he seemed to notice and I kissed his forehead and whispered in his ear "every thing is going to be ok baby doll I'm not going anywhere " that's when he stopped crying and leaned into my hand smiling slightly I let go and walked over to sam and he was sitting their and I put my hand on his free hand and kissed his cheek which he seemed to notice more than my hand he put his hand to his cheek "I'm right here " I said into his ear soon after dad had came in and noticed the boys softly smiling "did I miss something " dad asked "shes here with us " dean and sam say together. I place my hand on deans face which makes him smile and they look like they seen a ghost " kate?" dean says with his wide emerald eyes "wait you can see me?" he nods they can all see you I turn to dean and sam both "see I told you I'm not going anywhere " I say with a smile I suddenly feel pain and I start to flicker the monitors start going off the boys and dad panic "HELP WE NEED HELP " sam yells "Ill talk to you in a bit Sam you know what to get " I say deans face goes pale and looks at Sam " were did she go" the monitors flat line nurses and doctors flood the room pushing dean out into the hallway tears in his eyes the doctors hit you with a machine 3 times and the monitors leave out dean asks to be pushed into the room. "sorry baby a reaper was trying to take me from you but she is gone for a while I hope " I say pushing dean over to the couch so he can elevate his arm and leg ." even in a coma your still taking care of me " he slightly smiles "your my baby brother and without you and Sam I'm nothing " I say then kiss his cheek "ill be here when you wake up I promise " he says to me "baby get some rest I'm not going anywhere " I say he drifts off into a light sleep. 

An hour after 

Deans p/v:

a while after I fall asleep I bolt awake to gasping and choking I look over to Kate and shes awake " HELP WE NEED HELP " I yell Sam runs in along with doctors they remove the tubes from her throat. She soon gets up and walks over to me on the couch and I sit up with help from kate "See I told you I wasn't going anywhere " she says with a soft smile . I smile and she gives me a hug minding my arm "I told you I was going to be here when you wake up " I chuckle. Then she walks over to Sam who is puffy eyed from tears of joy "come here kiddo " she said opening her arms Sam goes full on moose man mode and picks her up off the floor and hugs her tight " I'm right here " she said as he put her back on the floor I chuckle a little she sits in the wheelchair that will be my bestfriend for a short amount of time while Sam sits beside me "easy next time moose man " I say with a small chuckle.

Kates p/v:

"easy next time moose man" Dean says with a slight chuckle I giggle then Sam elbows him in the arm for it making Dean wince in pain Dean takes this chance to nail Sam in the nuts with his good arm " Dean ill get you some pain meds and Sam you deserved that " I say walking over to Dean helping him into the wheelchair "thank you sis I don't know what I would do without you " he said while lean against me which I don't mind. We soon return from getting deans pain meds I had put a blanket over him because he said that his foot was cold. we roll into the room with dad and he asks Sam to get some coffee while he whispers something in deans ear and he said something to dad and then he went outside to me and told me to watch out for the boys and carefully look after Sammy "of course dad I would " I say he smiles and kisses my forehead  and walks to his room. Not long after I hear Sam scream for help I put dean in the wheelchair and speed down the hallway I park him outside the door so the doctors can get in and I start doing compressions soon after I knew he was gone. The doctors rush in and shove me and Sam out of the room tears stinging my eyes "he's our dad " I say to the nurse. they get to work as Dean leans against me just to get his heart shattered when they call time. We give him a hunter burial and I stand beside dean in his wheelchair and stand in silence not looking away from the flames until they burn out. the car ride to bobby's was silent as he picked us up and drove us to the house all you could hear is the faint music on the radio. At this point I had stopped working on my bike and was working on the car while Dean sat there and handed me tools it had been weeks after dad died and dean didn't have his cast on his arm anymore but he was on crutches I had got almost all of the car done when I hear dean come up to the back of the car I was under the front with a tool in my hand when I heard banging on the back of the car I was quickly pinned under the car I heard yelling and "GO GET BOBBY" from dean as dean rushed to my leg because I had one under the car under the motor and tried to pull me out when pain hit "STOP " I yelled the tugging on my leg had stop "KATE IM SORRY " came from Dean "Dean its ok my leg is under the motor I was holding it up while I was finding the bolt nothing to worry about " I said to dean as I heard running "HOW IN THE HELL " Bobby said as he looked under the car to see my pinned leg and that the only thing stopping it from crushing my leg was my steel toed boot "hang in there we are gonna get you out " you heard bobby and Sam say "HURRY UP IM NOT DIEING HERE QUIT BEING SO DRAMATIC " I yell I was soon quickly drug out and just as I had sat up I heard it hit the ground "SON OF A BITCH!!" dean and I yell as soon as I stood up I was nearly knocked down by dean giving me a hug " I'm sorry kate" he said on the verge of tears I pull him away and hold him at arms length "baby calm down everything is going to be ok just look before you do that again ok " I say pulling him back into a loving hug and calm him down by humming 'hey jude'

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