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Authors note : I will be writing this story by the episodes I remember the most of
The next morning the boys and Kate done some research on what they are hunting it's a skinhead.  "We should wait till dark to hunt it, they come out at night" Kate said. They nodded and went to bed so they could hunt that night. Soon after, Kate went to sleep with Dean cuddled up to her she was happy to be home she kissed his head and whispered "goodnight dean angels are watching over you. " he smirked and snuggled his head in her neck. That night they went to the house were all the kids are going missing from they grabbed the stun guns that Kate had amped up to 100,000 volts and moved down to the basement they opened a cabinet to see little kids in Kate told her brothers to take the kids to the impala Dean resisted and gave up and took them up with Sam. The monster drug Sam down the stares which made Kate shoot the stun gun and Sam threw his to her and Dean rushed them all up the stares leaving Kate to deal with the monster. Soon after Kate was knocked to the ground disarming her and she ran to the stun gun and shot the monster they both were in a puddle so they both shared the shock leaving her against the wall knocked out.  Dean ran down to see Kate not moving "KATE" dean yelled and ran to his big sister checking for a pulse it was faint but she had one. Dean took her limp body up the stares and ran out and put her on the ground "Sam call 911" Dean said with tears in his eyes. Sam did as he was told and called they said they were 5 minutes away. When they got there they loaded her into the ambulance and took off to the hospital dean took her bike to bobby's and sam came and picked him up and took off to the hospital. As soon as they got to the hospital Dean shot threw the doors and to the front desk. He asked the lady which room she was in "she is in  room 145 sir" she looked up at dean and without a thank you he shot to his older sisters room, when he got there his stomach dropped when he saw his sister she was pale and had dark circles around her eyes. He made himself know her eyes shot over and locked onto him she smiled softly " hey baby doll" he slightly smiled and she went back to surfing through tv stations. when Sam came in she asked if he ever really watch this while he was in college and soon after "that fabric softener teddy bear oh I'm gonna hunt that little bitch down." Dean smirked and Sam was talking about what the doctor said it brought tears to Deans eyes the Sam said that "we still have options" Kate looked at Sam and said "what cremation or burial" then she looked at both of them and pointed to dean "you better take care of my bike and my car or I'm gonna haunt your asses " trying to lighten the mood Dean smiled and Sam said " I don't think that's funny" and Kate replied " oh come on it was a little funny it made dean smile a little" she looked to dean and back at Sam and he looked away with tears in his eyes " what can I say boys its a dangerous gig and I drew the short straw" that is when she looked at dean and he had a tear slip down his cheek and quickly whipped it away Kate move over in the bed and smacked it a couple times and dean walked over and laid  beside her and she rubbed his back and kissed his head and said " everything is going to bed ok baby " Sam walked to her bedside and sat in a chair she placed her hand on the side of his face and pulled him close and kissed his head and repeated it. the boys went to the motel after visiting their sister and Dean had just got out of the shower and heard sam talking and then the word dad, he walked out and Sam threw the phone down on the bed. "voicemail" dean asked Sam nodded then they heard a knock on the door they looked at each other than at the door Sam got up and unlocked the door Their was their sister leaning on the door frame, she had walked here from the hospital Deans eyes grew wide when he saw who it was and rushed to her side he helped her to a chair "you guys sleep at all you look worse than me " leaning all her weight against Dean but dean didn't mind Sam said "this I laugh in the face of death thing I can see right through it , Dean shot Sam a glare and Kate replied " well you serve" Sam was about to say something but Kate beat him to it "you guys sleep at all you look worse than me" said as Dean was helping her sit down. As soon as she sat down she was breathing heavy and she soon caught her breath "we are looking for a way to help you " Dean said with a smile on his face Sam just sat their with a smug look on his face "what's your problem you on your monthly " Kate said Sam smirked and threw a pillow at Kate hitting her in the chest sending her backwards in her chair "woah " Kate said hitting the floor Dean Shot up and giggled as Sam just covered his mouth eyes wide " Kate I'm so sorry " Dean helped Kate back up "don't piss them off when their on their period" kate said dean just smirked and hugged her. A few hours pass of research and they headed to bed Sam got his own bed because he is a giant moose and kate and Dean shared a bed, Dean snuggled closely to his sister like when they were kids and she kissed his head and said the same thing she said the night before and started humming 'hey jude'.

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