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Keith P.O.V

Keith felt Lance's hand slip. Oh god, he thought, I'm dead. The crowd roared and Keith completely fell, luckily there were two men at the bottom who caught him, he looked up at Lance, who was turning red. Oh god.

The two men carefully let him down, "Thanks so much."

One of them smiled, the other one just shrugged, the crowd was trying to squeeze through eachother to get to him. Hunk and the girl pulled him up onto the stage and ushered him backstage.

Lance quickly followed. The girl was jabbering away to Hunk but it was too loud to hear. Jeez, He thought, I didn't know LanceyLance fans were this crazy. Keith's phone started blowing up. They found his Instagram, Twitter, and SnapChat, even his youtube channel he only used to like and comment on videos.

Lance looked back, "Whats up? We have to get you out of here."

Keith shrugged, "Its nothing."

Keith followed them and saw Allura's limo budging through the people. Pidge grabbed his arm, "Thats you right?"

Keith nodded, "Not mine... but a friends."

Lance looked serious, "Whatever lets just get him out!"

Pidge stopped both of them, she was smirking.

"Do you know what this could mean? Fame for both of you!"

Keith made a confused look but Lance obviously understood because he was glaring at Pidge.

"Quiznack no!"

Keith was startled, he never knew Lance to be... rude? He was always upbeat and exited in his videos, but those were videos. Maybe this was the real LanceyLance he was meeting.

Pidge sighed, "Listen. Ships are life. If people ship you with someone else, no matter how unrealistic it is, you get twice as many views. Did you see Haggar and Zarkon? Haggar had NO fans until the Zaggar ship showed up! All they had to do was collab. In one video."

Lance glared at her, "Didn't they date in the end though?"

Pidge shrugged, "Zaggar existed before it was canon."

Keith just stood there, he didn't understand any of these terms or what was happening. He saw Allura and Shiro run through the door. They looked panicked, Allura ran up and hugged him. Pidge looked up from her argument with Lance, she frowned.

Allura looked very concerned, "Keith, we need to get you home so-"

She looked over and saw Lance, Hunk, and Pidge. She put her hands on Keith's shoulders.

Hunk pointed at Shiro and Allura, "Are those your parents?"

Keith shrugged, "May as well be."

Pidge looked to the side, "Nice to see you again, well not under the circumstances its not. I wished to see you again at a more... happy time I suppose."

Allura gave Pidge a soft smile,"I understand."

Keith looked to Pidge again, "What were you just talking about again?"

Pidge sighed, "At least someone will listen!" She smirked, "Here is my plan. I saw that Keith has a decent amount of Instagram followers. And that number will only soar after today."

"It already has," Keith grumbled.

Pidge only smiled wider, "Maybe Keith could start a youtube channel, they could collab in videos, the ship doesn't have to sail but... people have hope and will keep watching until it does. Which from what I can see here... it won't."

Keith was confused, "Uh pardon me but...what's a ship?"

Lance P.O.V

"Pfft... do you even internet?"

Keith looked confused, Lance had to look away, he was adorable, "Its uh you want two people to date... yeah."

Pidge looked at Hunk, and wiggled her eyebrows, Hunk smirked and I glared at them. Keith was so clueless about things that were going on around him, Lance was sure he didn't notice.

"Ohh... so they want two people to be together...even if they don't like eachother? How does it affect them? Why do they care-"

Pidge sighed, "There is no reason, people do it, that's what matters. Plus you get to be famous, Lance has no choice, and i'll get mad at you if you don't and you don't wanna see me mad."

Keith looked over to Shiro.

"I'm not your dad, no matter how much I'd like to be."

Lance looked at Keith, this was the first time Lance saw him at ease with himself. Keith looked at Allura, not for assistance, just to see her face before he nodded.

"Yeah, okay. I'll do it."

Pidge smiled and jumped up to high-five Hunk, "WooHoo!"

"But only if Allura and Shiro can stay with me."

Pidge's smile faded, "uhh Bee do we have enough-"

Allura shook her head and put a arm on Keith's shoulder, "You forgot about Coran."

Keith's smile was so wide, Lance had to do a complete turn around before he could let anyone see him.

Pidge got out a clipboard from a drawer a paper and a pen. She smiled and turned to Hunk, Allura and Shiro, "How should we spread the news."

Allura raised her hand slightly, "Ooh uh Lance's channel?"

Pidge wrote something down on her clip board,lance tried to peer over her shoulder but she whacked him in the forehead with her clip board.

"Ow ow ow ow!"

Hunk smirked and high-fived Pidge, he started to turn red, he blushed easily around Pidge. Lance smirked.

"Now Keith do you have any special talents?"

Allura and Shiro smiled to eachother, "Actually this talent could make the ship a whole lot more real."

Lance was confused, "How is that?"

Allura looked to Shiro, "May I?"

Shiro nodded, "Of course."

Allura smirked, "He has animations of Lance's songs on his computer, he used to send them to us over text messaging."

Keith turned red and turned his head around so we couldn't see.

"They aren't very good..."

"What are you talking about? You draw better than anyone I know! Well on a cartoon basis."

Keith blushed," Yeah whatever you say, Shiro."

Lance put his hands on his hips, "I guess we have a plan then?"

Pidge was leaned against Hunk's side, "yep"

Pidge smirked, "selfie?"

Lance nodded furiously and everyone joined in so they weren't left out.

Lance nodded furiously and everyone joined in so they weren't left out

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