Confronting the Past and Present

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When Tauriel awoke she found herself in a strange room. The room was not nearly as strange though as the dream she had had as she slept. She had continuously dreamed of Legolas's face, noticing all the details and then it dawned on her that she liked Legolas. Suddenly she was aware that someone was watching her, sitting up she saw that it wasn't just anyone, it was the father that she never knew she had.

"Ah, finally awake are we?" he said to her calmly as though nothing was in the slightest way wrong.

"Why did..." she trailed off, suddenly unsure of what it was she wanted to say

"Why did I give you up?"

She nodded

"Well, I...We never...I lov.."  now it was his turn to trail off

Sensing he wasn't sure how to answer she decided to ask him another question, "Where is Legolas?" she tried in vain to make it sound casual but, felt she had failed miserably

"Why?" he asked a smile touching his lips before quickly disappearing "He's fine Tauriel, He's been up and about for about 6 days now."

"I was just curious as the last thing I remember is a battle." She said said quickly "By the way how long have I been out for?"

"7and a half days total.."

'What!!" She screamed "You have got to be kidding me!"

"What ever is wrong Tauriel?"

"Oh never mind it was just a thought."

"Really?" he said cocking an eyebrow "I think there is a little more to it than that."

"Legolas said he would only stay for 8 days leaving on the 9th day."

"Ah. Now that would better explain it."

And with that Tauriel fell back into a deep sleep.

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