Flowers Fall

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3 months later...

"Tauriel! Please come out! I wish to speak to you!" I'd stood at her door, once a day for the last 3 months, but still, she will not come out. Her father says she contemplates still, and she gropes in the dark for the light she cannot find. Everyday I hope that she will open the door, and tell me that she found the light, but she never has.

"What is it that you wish to speak about?" At her words my heart lights up, for she has never before replied to me, save to say 'no'.

"I just want to talk to you. Please!" No sooner than I have finished speaking, does the door to her room open.

"Come in." I study her face, the first I have been able t o do this for 3 months.

She looks horrible, her eyes are bloodshot, she has bags under her eyes, which have dulled in colour, and her face is worn and pale, the tracks from tears not yet faded away.

"You opened the door." I didn't expect her room to be so neat, there isn't so much as a single sheet of paper out of place.

"I know." She sits on the edge of her bed, which has pictures of trees and branches all over it.

"Why? Why today instead of yesterday or tomorrow?" I can't help but let the words slide out of my mouth, she could have opened it at any given time over the last 3 months, but instead she kept me waiting, while my heart broke even more for her.

"Legolas, you know me better than anyone else in the entire world, have you no idea why?"

"No, I don't. You have shut me out for the last three months, I'm not even sure whether I even do know you anymore."

"I couldn't stand to look at you, okay, I was hurt and every time I saw you I saw all the fun time you and I had had with my parents. It hurt, knowing that I couldn't stand to look at some one so close to me, some one that knew everything about me, without crying."

"Tauriel, I have told you time and time again, that I will always be here for you, and that I will always love you."

"I know, and that's why it hurt so much. Because I couldn't even look at the one person who knew as well as I knew myself."

"Hey, did you ever find the light? I tease, hoping to make a smile appear on her worn, tired face.

"Yeah, I discovered that it was at my door everyday, of every week, of every month, of every year."

"And what was it?"

"Legolas, the light I found was you. You are always so happy, even though the orcs took your mother from you in such a violent way, you still can find it in your heart to be joyful. That's one of my favourite things about you Legolas."

"I love you mellon."

"And I you."

"I don't know what we're going to tell my father though."

"Nothing, we will tell him nothing for now, Legolas, what he doesn't know will not hurt him."


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