Chapter 2: And that my friend is our neighbors

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~Picture of their dorm above~

"Chrina you must've been barmy not to notice that jace just wanted to hug you with only your towel on ( typical wanker behavior if you ask me ) but to answer your question yes percy did..."

"My god really! But like they were so fucking hot!!! Were they real or was I like dreaming - I think I was dreaming.... god these university boys can really do somethings to us girls wouldn't you say!" Chrina rambled still acting as if jace wasn't the hottest thing she has seen in QUITE a while.

"Ouuhh I see I may have to invite Jace over MUCH more chri, maybe to go swimming 'shirtless', Kylï mocked as chrina turned crimson.

"Hey what about Percy; yeah ky I saw that look you gave him, and the look he gave back OH MY GOD!! Need less to say by Christmas you two will be the hottest things around"

"Well obviously if it will be winter! Do you want me to freeze?"

They both laughed as they finally settled in to their new dorm room. Kylï had decided to do her side of the room Boho - chic the way her room had always been back home, while Chrina went for her indie type of style.

"Wow really ky you just had to have that chandelier fixture now didn't you?" Chrina snickered before plopping herself on her bed.

"Well if I do say so myself, you were the one who just needed lights all in your room, and ouhh those quotes" Kylï winked before heading over to put the leftover wallpapers away. It was funny how well her mother knew her; she literally had bought Kylï probably 3,000 dollars on just wallpaper, lights, and furniture, let alone anything else chrina and her needed. She was kind, caring and downright crazy when needed, she was definitely a mom you could treat like a best friend and I think the girl would miss that most of all.


Slight banging at the door broke chrina from her thoughts... 

"WHO IS IT!!!"  Kylï screamed from the bathroom before chrina could even respond. 

"Cindy here, the leader of the [ Kappa delta phi ] sorority house..."

"Come in then" Chrina said even though she could already tell this girl was pure trouble with that high pitched squeal she called a voice, and she was right - as a bleached blonde walked in the light shone right over her hair causing ultimate blindness for the two girls. 

"Um yeah so what did you want to talk to us about Cindy?" Kylï  squinted through the rays 

"I only came to give you these"  - she handed the girl's some pamphlets "Join Kappa delta phi the best sorority in NYCU!" Cindy cheered

"OWWWW" Kylï  and Chrina screamed in sync, "Oh I forgot they're a bit sharp" Cindy grinned before exiting the front door

"What the actual fuck! Did that bleach blonde munter actually just make us cut ourselves!?!?! Ohh when I get my hands near her she's going to wish she didn't piss off in the first place!!" Kylï ranted pacing back and forth totally forgetting that her hand was dripping blood.

"Hey ky let's just get the first aid kit and bandage up our hands...."

"Chrina who um brought the bloody kit?"

"Shitttt Ky what are we going to do?" Chrina said trying to stop her hand from bleeding with a towel, the girl's pondered this for about a minute and a half until  Kylï  got an idea.

"I got it! we'll go over to Percy and Jace's and ask if they have a kit!" Kylï quickly unlocked the door as if she knew chrina was going to deny the idea.

"Fine but we're not staying long we get the kit a - owww! we go." 

The girl's exited from their dorm, walking down the hallways the girl's saw things that could have been straight out of the movies - couples making out, jocks trying to hit on the populars and cheerleaders, and the geeks playing board games and reading, "typical..."  chrina and kylï murmured before stopping outside the boy's dorm. ' 410B P and J's room ;) '  "well hear goes things..." sighed chrina before knocking on  the door.

"PERCY GET THE DOOR!"  jace hollered 

"NO YOU GO GET IT I'M BUSY" percy backfired yelling almost as loud as jace was


"Um you know what we'll come back... uh later it's ok..." the girl's said before turning around, but as they were about to walk away the door swung open revealing the two angels in disguise - both were shirtless but percy looked as if he'd just jumped out of bed with only his boxers on and his hair tousled in such a way that chrina was sure that kylï was drooling at that very second, but the face that chrina made when she saw that jace was also in his boxers and looked bed risen as well was probably a face in awe.

"Wait girl's won't you come in" Percy said gesturing them into the dorm. The dorm was a bit bigger than the girls own having two bathrooms and even a balcony, and both percy and jace seemed to be into the whole swords and battle stuff, not to mention what seemed like a walk in closet full of combat weapons?

"So what brings you to our humble ob ode?" Jace smirked before winking to percy

"This..." the girl's said before showing percy and jace their hands,

"Oh my god WHO THE FUCK DID THIS TO YOU TWO I SWEAR I WILL RIP THEIR HEAD OFF WITH MY OWN TWO HANDS!!!!" jace yelled as he started to pace back and forth

"Is their anywhere else that you two are hurt! Why hasn't the bleeding subsided, where you two raped! I SWEAR IF YOU TWO WHERE RAPED FUCK USING MY OWN TWO HANDS, I'LL TAILGATE THEIR ASS WITH EVERY WEAPON USED TO MAN!! oh and i'll blast them with a tank" percy smirked but then scowled before getting up and running to find the first aid kit. As percy found it jace stopped pacing and started taking out a bunch of medical supplies along with percy, "Jace start to bandage up chrina i'll bandage kylï...." percy said winking as jace smirked and pulled chrina to the other room.

Percy's POV:

"There it's all wrapped up - um how does it feel?" I said probably smiling like an idiot in front of her but i didn't care I just wanted her happy. "Oh it's so much better thank you!" kylï said before grabbing me and hugging me tightly, it's like she needed to flair my hormones I mean like god if I didn't have a boner right now I think it'd be classified under the [ Limp Dick Files ]. "Oh shit I forgot you weren't wearing pants... um my bad.." she said trying to avoid my gaze as she turned crimson, but you know what fuck rules I had to show her now what I felt - I grabbed her shoulders to make her face me, before leaning in and tilting her head so she was looking me straight in the eyes. "Hey it's nothing to worry about - infact I truthfully loved that" I said as I felt her breathing hitch, and like that I let go of her and sauntered to my room....

Demi-god next door  [ On Hold ]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang