Chapter 1:

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I am typing down my book about my life when I was startled by Dylan "Dyl", he is my brother.

"Dyl, you startled me," I jumped off of my chair and hugged him. "Since when did you come home?" I asked him as he checked my room.

"Just this morning," he moved around the room. He then checked the computer table, seeing all my stuff scattered everywhere. "When did you wake up to write again?" he checked every piece of the prototype papers and notebooks.

"Just this morning," I lied as I sat in an Indian seat position on my bed.

He gave me a look, "What exact time?" I smiled.

"4 am," I confessed and he rolled his eyes. "I will be 17 by tomorrow so why not let me?" I reasoned.

"I told you that you should get enough sleep," he informed me as he sat right next to me. I rested my head to his shoulder.

"I am sorry," I told him.

"If you're sorry then you should come and audition to a series with me," he pulled me but I hesitated.

"No!" I exclaimed."Don't change the subject."
"Come on!" he tried pulling me once more but still I hesitated.

"You know I hate cameras except for the premieres for our daddy," I crossed my arms.

"Oh come on!" he pout his lips. "You always turn down my offers!" he walked out of the room as he shouted, "I hate you!"

"Love you!" I shouted back before typing again.

I heard someone moved to enter my room so I didn't get startled unlike earlier with Dyl.

"Jaz, better get dress," I saw Jon, my eldest brother, came in my room with suits and ties.

"Wh? Is there something special?" I asked him as I looked at him.

"Your birthday is tomorrow and all my guy best friends and I decided to take you to the Philippines since you told me that you wanted to see exotic life in Southeast Asia," he smirked and I was so happy. I hugged him tight.

"Seriously?! Am I dreaming?!" I asked even myself.

"You can now do your research about Fiipinos."

"Thank you so much!" he laughed.

"Pack your things up cause everyone in our squad are coming," I looked at him.

"Are you serious?" he nodded. "You mean like Clyde, Lennon, Jem, Paulo, Kyler, CJ, Laidon, Kharman, Henry, Michael, Neo, Rex and Eric are all coming?" he smiled and nodded happily.

"Better pack your things for the flight at 12:00 o'clock," I checked the time. Holy crap it's 9:00 am!!

"Okay," immediately, I took my mallet and tried to pack things up.

Jon left when he got a call so I packed by myself. I was too tired so I tested Paulo and CJ.

To: Paulo and CJ
Guyyyyysseeuuu, help me pack!!!

From: Paulo and CJ
We'll be there...

I went down to eat some cookies when I saw the enter squad and I saw Paulo and CJ taking the other stairs.

"Happy Birthday Jaz!" they all shouted.

"Thank you," I hugged each and everyone. "Did everyone already eat? I'll make us something if not..."

"No need," I saw came out of the kitchen along with the maids. "We cooked for them so that you won't bother," she smiled.

"Thanks a lot mom," I kissed her cheeks.

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