♠Cheater!Husband x Reader: Why?♠

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Cheater!Husband x Reader♠:

#11 (I'm gonna start numbering them)

This one is going to be a sad one..... prepare your tissues

~ Y/N's POV ~

I really miss C/N.... I wish I was with him right now. But I have work to do.. currently I'm in Japan. I'm here because my work sent me, I'm only here for a month or so tho....


Today was the day I had to leave for work.
I was currently at the airport with my husband, C/N. I was holding his hand while waiting for the plane

"C/N... I don't want to leave... I want to stay with you —but ... I have to..." I said to C/N

"I wish you could stay too... but work calls! Hey.. I'll Skype you everyday." C/N smiled at me, I smiled back. Then I heard my plane being called.

"That's the plane..." I said quietly

"Yeah... I'll miss you, I love you honey!" C/N said as he let go of my hand. I got up and started walking away, I stopped and turned around. Then I ran into his arms, I kissed him.

"Damn... I'll miss you.." I whispered, as I buried my face on his chest. He then pats my head.

"Honey... I'll miss you too.. but your plane might leave you.." He said. I pulled away and started walking away

"See you soon C/N!" I said looking back. He smiled at me, I turned back around and that was it... the last time I saw him.


I sighed at the memory. I really miss him... it's been a month... also I have to tell him something. It was night time and I waited for him to answer my calls.. he hasn't answered any.. this had been going on for a week now. I'm worried.. but I'm sure he's just caught up in his work... right?

I sighed as I got my phone and messaged him .

Y/N: C/N? Are you busy? Why haven't you been answering my calls and texts??? I miss you :c

I sent that. And he still hasn't replied, I sighed as I drifted off into sleep.


I woke up and yawned and stretched my arms. I saw my phone lighting up, I look at it expecting to get a message from C/N. But instead I got one from my boss

Mrs. L/N, you can go home now. The business trip has been finished early,
You did great with this case L/N. I'm going to send your paycheck right away. Also you'll be riding the private plane back, along with your co-workers the plane will pick you up at 9 AM.

WAIT WHAT??? I'M SO HAPPY! I can finally see C/N! I immediately got all my belongings and packed my clothes. It was 7:45 AM. But who cares!? I checked out of the hotel and hailed a taxi.


The taxi dropped me off at the airport. I paid the man and went inside. It was already 8:49 AM. I went through the whole process of airport security. After that I asked the security where I should wait for the private plane. They showed me where and saw my co-workers sitting there. I thanked them and sat down.

After a few more minutes the plane arrived. We all piled in and took our seats


When the plane finally landed, I got my phone out and called my bestfriend.

Then I saw a message

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