「Crush x Reader: I'm FINE」

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Well... I'm so sorry.. for not doing any requests or Updates, I just realized that I really can't write requests perfectly.. since.. whenever I'm inspired that's when I write, I'm terribly sorry... but my emotions are mixed atm.. so here you go ...
Grab your tissues

Crush X Reader: I'm fine

~Y/N's POV~

'I hate him! I hate him so much! I try to act like everything's okay... but inside I know I'm not! He told me he loved me... he did! He made me fall for him only to leave me hanging...' I felt another tear fall from my eyes, I sat in bed hugging my fluffy pillow... I tried to keep quiet so no one can hear.. So my parents wouldn't hear. 'You told me we can't be together because... you're taken, but now I see you with a random girl!? What... why did you do this to me!?... I HATE YOU SO MUCH C/N! I WISH I NEVER MET YOU!' I felt tired from all the crying. I decided to stop thinking about this things and laid down.

"Tomorrow's another day... and tomorrow I'll see HIM again.. " I muttered to myself, as I fell asleep

~ 2 Months Ago ~

I was walking down the corridor. To my classroom, school was gonna start in a few minutes. I look around and saw the students going to their classrooms or the other's just doing something else. On my way to my classroom I saw a boy with H/C who seemed lost, I walked over to him and tapped his shoulder. He turned around and I saw a good look at his face 'Dang... he's cute :3' I felt blood rush to my cheeks. I cleared my throat "Hey, Are you lost?" I asked the boy

"Yeah... I'm new here" he said, blushing a bit from embarrassment,

"Hmm.. I'm guessing you're new" he nodded, "Well... can I take a look at your schedule?" I asked him, he nodded and have me his schedule.. I look at him and smiled a bright smile

"Umm.. why are you.. smiling?" He asked,

"Umm ... nothing.. it's just that we have most classes together!" I said, and as if on cue the bell rang.. uh oh..

"Oh no! We're gonna be late!" He said worriedly, I quickly grabbed his hand and ran to class. Dragging him along, I blushed beet red but continued my sprint, as we reached the classroom door I quickly opened it just in time. The teacher wasn't here yet.. I saw an empty seat next to the window and decided to sit there. The boy sat in the chair next to me, we both catches our breaths...

"C/N" the boy said, I looked at him curiously


"C/N, My name is C/N L/N.." the boy smiled a cute shy smile. It made me blush

"I'm.. Y/N L/N, but just call me Y/N!" I smiled back still blushing. After our little introduction the teacher walked in and introduced C/N as a new student and such

~1 month later~

C/N has been acting strange.. he seemed more attached to me, he's also protective with me. I would always get flustered whenever he acted cute I hate to admit it but.... I developed a crush on this goof ....

~3 week later~
Me and C/N sat on a bench at the park, today was Saturday and C/N decided to go to the park. Dragging me along with him, it was sunset right now.. the beautiful scenery the sunset... nature... two people of opposite genders seating next to each other. Seemed cliché right?.. I was snapped out of my thoughts when C/N suddenly spoke

"Y/N... I want to tell you that... I .. I... I love you" he told me looking away when he said the 3 words I thought he'd never say to me.. I blushed and looked away.

Crush x Reader IMAGINES Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora