Naughty Billo---Shot 4

Start from the beginning

Kaveri: yes we don't have any problem.
Shomi: actually I want to clear now only swara don't know households work much.

Sujata: don't worry I'm there I will handle.
Kaveri: I don't find any problem in her, Sanskar can once talk and his decision will be final.

Dida: sure they can talk in swara's room.
Swara(stand up): let's go to my room.
Sanskar got up and both went.

Swara's room:
Swasan enter inside and close the door. Sanskar look at bed where so many dresses were scattered.

Swara(smile sheepishly): I was selecting dress to wear later forgot to keep in cupboard.

Sanskar: it's okay.
Swara started laughing suddenly.
Sanskar: what makes you laugh??

Swara: I'm thinking our meeting in the morning. I was practicing what to say to the boy wait I will show.
Swara came in front of him and said looking down.

Swara: actually Ji I can't marry you bcoz I want to settle in my career.
Sanskar: that you can continue after marriage also.(smirk)

Swara: but this idea  you only had given now answering back(pout)
Sanskar: I know your all ideas so why to waste time.

Swara: you really want to marry me??
Sanskar: yeah may be.

Swara: we are so different but your are my friend then we can marry also.
Sanskar (shock): you are ready?

Swara: u know my mother is adamant to marry me if I will refuse you she will find someone else so its better to marry you bcoz you know what I'm in real.
Sanskar: hmm right.
Swara: but I have conditions to marry you.

Sanskar sit on bed removing clothes.
Sanskar: say
Swara: you will never stop me from eating uncle chips.

Sanskar: okay
Swara: after marriage I will bring my cycle to your house.

Sanskar: hmm anything else??
Swara: and you will never say me to study.

Sanskar: what if I disagree to your conditions???

Swara; then I will not marry you.
Sanskar: okay then don't marry.
He stand to leave. Swara remembered shomi's warning.

Swara(pleading): agree to them they are so simple conditions you are my good friend.
Sanskar(smile): okay.

Swara(hug him): thank you.
Sanskar: let's go down.
Swara: wait wait

Sanskar: now what??
Swara: did you have injections in your room?!?
Sanskar: why??

Swara: after marriage if you will give me injections??
Sanskar: I won't give.
Swara: promise?

Sanskar: yes now come.
Swara went to door sanskar signed seeing her.

In the Hall:
Swasan came and stood beside each other.
Kaveri: what is your decision sanskar.
Sanskar:  we both are ready.
Kaveri: that's good.

Shomi: I will be really happy to have Sanskar as my son in law.
Kaveri: I had talked to pandit Ji he has given next Sunday for marriage.
Dida: how we will prepare everything so fast.

Sujata: don't worry we will do together.
Shomi: okay.
Swara lean towards sanskar and whisper

Swara: I will be so happy if next week will be our marriage.
Sanskar (confused): why??

Swara: from next week my exams are there so if I will get less marks then I can make excuse that I was busy in marriage. Smart me.

Sanskar stare at her then turn he his face other side. How he is going to spend his whole life with her.

Kaveri: now we should leave.
They move towards door. Sanskar is at back. Swara ran to him

Swara (whisper): doctor I need party.
Sanskar: for what??

Swara: your marriage got fixed.
Sanskar: then you should also give.
Swara: I had asked firstly so you will only give.

Sanskar: okay I will give now bye
Swara: bye
They left from there.

Maheshwari house:
Kaveri and sujata are sitting in the hall and discussing about marriage. Sanskar came and sit near them.

Kaveri: so finally our tension of sanskar's marriage will be over.
Sujata: yes I'm so excited for the marriage.

Kaveri: I think swara is prefect for Sanskar. She is beautiful and innocent. Don't speak much.

Sanskar cough out of shock after listening these words for swara. She speaks less????

Sujata: sanskar you like Swara??
Sanskar: yes mom I'm okay with it.
Sujata: yeah she is so sweet how won't you like?

Sanskar (thinks): they will get shock to see swara's Sweetness and innocence let her once come in this house.
He went to his room.

Sanskar's room:
Sanskar is reading a book when his mobile rings. It was unknown no. He received

Other side: how can you do this to me Sanskar.

A shriek voice shouted from opposite side.
Sanskar: excuse me what I have done??

Girl: we both used to love each other now how can you marry someone else.
Sanskar: what non sense?? I never loved any girl.
Girl(happy): really??

Sanskar: yes now cut the call.
Sanskar was not knowing who is this girl.
Girl: i will not cut.
She giggles.

Sanskar get to know who is the girl as she laughs.
Sanskar: swara

Swara (shock): how you got to know its me.
Sanskar: leave that from where you got my no.?

Swara: I took from mamma's mobile and had added you on whatsapp,you didn't messaged me lazy fellow.
Sanskar: you have something important to say.

Swara: no just time passing.
Sanskar: I'm busy so bye

Swara: how rude Sanskar can't you take out your few mins for your future wife??.

Sanskar: you are such a dramebazz swara.

Swara: I know as many have said. Asha your room is of which colour??
Sanskar: blue

Swara: it's not pink so sad. What if I can bring my room also it will be nice na??

Sanskar(roll his eyes): very nice now bye

Swara: bye take care
He cut the call.
To be continued....

Precap: swasan marriage.

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