we started kissing for a pretty long time enjoying his soft lips on mine, Jungkook pulled back 

"Scarlett did you know you make some cute noises when your sleeping," Jungkook said giggling I blushed and smacked him really heard 

"okay you wanna play like that"  Jungkook said smirking then attacked me tickling the fuck out of me 

"YAHhh JUNGKOOK SCARLETT HURRY THE FUCK UP" Namjoon yelled banging on the door

"We should go before they break our door," Jungkook said I giggled

He held my hand and walked out of the room we walked to the royal hall. We walked in and first thing my eyes lay on is my bitch of a cousin Tania Akiba she is not royal but she is a long cousin of our family her father comes now and then to our kingdom to discuss with my father about the Dark Angel's and their whereabouts,Uncle Jose is very nice and serious but Tania is the opposite she is a total bitch everytime I get stronger she decides to get even stronger which always fucking pisses me off. Since we were little she would always try and beat me in everything I do when I had a crush on someone she would date them and I would be sad for days because I thought I would never find anyone to love which now I have Jungkook and I'm going to have shown her who I really am. Last time I saw her was five years ago. Tania turns around and looks at me and then at Jungkook she stared at him like if he was some piece of meat she licked her lips I tensed up, She looks at me and smirks This bitch. Jungkook looks at me,

"You ok Luv," He said I didn't say anything the one thing in my mind is to fucking kill her I ran across the room to try and grab her but I was held down by Tae and Jhope

"UHH LET ME GOO "I Screamed Tania looked scared but covered it up

"Wow what a beast you are.." she said smirking

"LET ME GOO LET MME AT HERR" I Screamed and try to get loose from Jhope and tae's hold on me, Jimin ran to me

"Scarlett I know you hate her but I think this ain't gonna fix anything chill out, "He said I stopped struggling, The boys let me loose I controlled my breathing I felt Jungkook grab my hand

'Scarlett calm down luv I'm all yours Stop being jealous' he minds linked me I blush a bit, how the fuck did he know?

'Shut up I don't like her at all' I said through the mind link

'yea I can see that' he said I looked at him, he smiles at me then lets my hand go and went to go handshake with the boys while I and Tania were facing each other ready to rip off each other's heads off.

"hey it's been a long time Rose," she said calling me by my middle name

"yea why you here. Shouldn't you be with your mom Tayla" I said she turn bright red

"DON'T CALL ME THAT YOU KNOW I HATE THAT NAME!"She screamed she got the boys attention

"yea that's the point, "I said

"Oversize bitch," she said 

"pig" I replied back

"Big tittie bitch, " She said 

"thanks at least I have some, " I smirked her face turned red, She actually has a nice body she has a decent bust but she has a slim waist which she tracks a lot of the boys. Her body is like a model's body.

"yea right Princess of the dead" She knows about everything the only reason she knows is that of her father, he was there when we fixed the castle, she knows how I killed the Fallon and she thinks I killed my mother which is something I would never do but then again it was my fault...

Queen Of The underworld FF Jungkookजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें