Chapter 32

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I'm honestly loving Jay as a mother she doesn't cuss as much she doesn't get mad she doesn't eat a lot when she's sad she goes to her baby not her old Disney movies I think her life is going very well plus Jaliyl is a good fit for her that's just my opinion everyone else might have different ones
Meme POV
Jay Jaliyl and Promise are honestly the cutest little family I love Jay with Jaliyl and I'm absolutely in love with the baby it makes her a more happier person she only pulls out her Disney movies for promise it's highly adorable when they watch them together Jay is still herself just a better version
Jay is the best person with the baby promise brings out the best in my sister but to mention Jaliyl brings out the goofball in her that Jay has been gone for a long time in glad she's back
Prince POV
I hate the crying and diapers but I love the baby she brings out Jay's good side that everyone hasn't seen in a long while which is the best
I honestly don't care
Prod POV
Look she had the bad her good side is out that's all good but when am I going to be like that
I look my sister and niece but I need my own lil family a nigga getting lonely
Mike POV
Who gives a fuck I'm not ready for a family like that I'm fine with the one I have now
Jaliyl POV
I'm going to marry that girl
Like I said life's great we all are about to graduate and go on with our lives life couldn't be better with Promise Jaliyl and my family that's our dumb crazy lives hope you enjoyed

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