chapter 23

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2 months later
Me and Teo have gotten closer since that day we fucked he even moved in with me. Diggy is going with that Monica girl nobody likes her tho poor thing. My brothers are still themselves but Roc got into some trouble so we won't see him for 2 years I'm just really worried about Cj his son cuz he needs his father but I guess as long as he has his uncles and aunts and mother he'll be fine. Oh I got to meet Teo's brother he calls him Ayo they have weird nicknames for each other it's just brotherly love and I find it cute. Meme is still meme. Bre has quit omg girlz and came to work with me and meme how cool. She also got in a fight with star cuz she tried to make ray have sex with her. Hoes these days. Well I'm in the house watching the proud family movie and I hear a knock at the door. I got to open it to see bre and meme
Me: why did you guys knock you have keys
Meme: too pissed off to use it
Me: what happened
Bre: we went to the mask with all the boys and when we got there we saw this girl with some booty shirts on and we all said damn she look good so I went in the store and just so happened to find the same pair just different color so I went to go but it the ray came up to me and was like wyd and I was like buying these he was like no you not you wouldn't look good in them so I looked at him and said Ok and put it back and walked out the store
Meme: then we saw another girl wearing this crop top and they said shawty bad so I went into the store and found it and went to go but it the mike walk up to me like go out that back I'm like why he like that's not for you so I looked at him b and said Ok and walked out the store. When we was walking to the car me and bre had headphones on but no music playing and we heard mike and ray say we doughed a bullet so we walked pass them and bumped hem with the other guys laughing the whole time.
I looked at them and saw the seriousness in there face so I got up walked to the door and walled across the street. Knocked on the door and Diggy opened the door. Me: move. I pushed him out the way and went to the living room to find the boys
Me: all of you me house NOW
Prod: what we do
Me: get to my house NOW
they all ran to my house. I'm pissed right now how dare those two do that then the others laugh.I walk back over to my house and slam the door.
Me: bre where's Isaiah
Bre: with my mom
Me: wtf is wrong with you idiots
Roc:uh oh
Me: yeah uh oh what's could possibly be wrong with your brain
Prod: who tf are you talking to
Me: you, ray, mike, Jacob, prince, roc,ej, and Diggy
Prod: we ain't do nothing wrong
Roc: she's talking about what happened at the mall
Jacob: look all we did was laugh ray and mike did the damage
Me: who said it was funny none of that shit was funny
Prod: it was to us
Me: you will forever me a damn boy never a man
Prod: I'd rather be a boy than a hoe
Me: what did you just say
Prod: I called you a hoe
Me: (chuckles) let me just remind you prod you are and forever will be the biggest hoe in this family where do you think prince and roc get that shit from
Prod: doesn't matter your still a hoe your child is going to have a hoe as a mother
Me: baby I'll never be a hoe cuz a hoe can even name who she slept with and has had more ppl that ever I've only had 4 and I can name them Elijah, Jordan,Diggy, and Teo so get your facts start before I knock you tf out
Prod:(angry) do it then bitch
I ran up to him and punched him dead in his jaw and from there I blacked out I just kept hitting him and hitting him taking out all my anger from when Jordan left me for his ex and when Diggy cheated. I felt someone pull me off of him and took me upstairs to my room. They got there and threw me on the bed pinning me down. When I was starting to calm down I realized it was Teo pinning me down.
Teo: damn girl remind me never to get on your bad side and aren't you pregnant
Me: yeah and
Teo: girl you could kill the baby the way you beat him
Me: it wasn't that bad
Teo: wasn't that bad girl his while face is fucked up you busted his lip and I think you broke his nose
Me: oh that's it
Teo: you say it like it's not the worst you've done
Me: it's not
Teo: when is your next appointment
Me: next week why
Teo:I wanna go
Me: Ok
Eventually the boys went back home after telling me I broke Prod's nose the girls stayed with me and teo and we watched movies and ate junk food for the rest of the day

The next day

I'm getting ready for my appointment just wish Teo would get his black ass up "Teo get the hell up your gonna make me late" "Damn what time is it" "Time for you to get up and get dressed now go" "Ok mommy" I went downstairs and found Bre and Meme on the couch watching tv dressed and all "I'm glad some ppl know how to get up and get dressed" "Hahaha very funny babe" "Lets go guys"

"Ok Jayla your baby looks fine have you been stressing" " Just a little me and my brother got into a fight" "Jay you can't be doing that its not good for the baby" "Well I'll do better" "You better and which brother was it this time" " Its been more than once" Teo said "Yes and Craig" "Well leave Craig and all your other brothers alone and I'll see you next time" "ok doc"

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