chapter 19

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2 years later
I'm 19 now everyone is so grown prod is 19 ray and prince 18 mike 19 Ej and roc 19 Jacob 19 and Diggy 18 bre is
and meme is 19
Meme and mike are still going strong there thinking about having a baby how cute
Bre and ray got married it was beautiful they had the best wedding planner and she wanted me and meme to sing her favorite song by us distraction she just couldn't stop dancing we all had a great time in Jamaica I know they did cuz bre got pregnant during our trip and had a boy isaiah rayan smith ray wanted him to be a jr but bre wanted him to be an Isaiah
Me and Diggy have been together for 2 whole years through the ups and sirens I still love him and he still loves me. He's been distant lately i wonder what's up with him.I've been feeling kinda weird lately I've been eating more and throwing up in the morning it's been a couple weeks since me and dig did it I'll go to the doctor to day and see
Jay: bre meme van you come with me to the doctor
Meme: what's wrong
Jay: I think I'm pregnant
Bre: oo I'm gonna be a auntie
Meme: yes I hope it's a girl
Jay:_I don't even know if I'm pregnant yet can we go now
Bre: yeah I'll drive
We were on are way to the doctor when dig called I smiled and put him on speaker her babe
??: oh daddy
Dig: you like that
??: oh duck
Dig: who's pusdy is this
?? yours
I hung up I felt the tears coming
Meme: I'm gonna kill
Jay: don't not until I do first
Bre: you Ok pumpkin
Jay:(chuckled) you haven't called me that since I was 15
Bre: I know
Meme: but are you Ok babe
Jay: I'm fine boo just need to hurry up see if I'm pregnant and get home to kill him
Bre: alright
We got to the doctor
Jay: in here to see doctor Sean
Nurse: he'll be with you in a minute
Jay: thanks
The doctor came out and took me to the room and bre and meme came with
Doc: what's wrong Kafka
Jay: I need a pregnancy test
Doc: Ok pee in this cup then I'll test it and you'll know if your pregnant or not
Jay: Ok
About 10 minds later he came back with a smile
Bre: why all smiley
Doc: your 5 weeks pregnant
Meme: oh yes
Jay: omg I'm pregnant thanks doc
Doc: your welcome see you in a month
We were on our way home and ray called bre
Ray: where are you Isaiah wants you
Bre:I went to the doctor with jay and meme
Ray: are they Ok
Meme: we're fine ray but-
Jay: I'm pregnant
Ray: Ok
Jay: that's it
Ray: I'm fine with it you'll be a great mom
Jay: aw thanks ray
Ray: bre please hurry he's crying
Bre: have you tried playing with him
Ray: no
Jay: play with him then
Meme: and give him some food
Ray: Ok bye see y'all when you get here
We got to the house and I went upstairs to put on some sweats and a wife beater so did meme and bre
We were standing at the for waiting for dig
Prod: y'all look like someone life is about to be taken away
Meme: it might be
Roc: who
Jay: dig
Mike: what he do
Bre: cheat
All of them: WHAT
Jay: calm down I got this btw (mumbles) I'm pregnant
Jacob: what
Meme: she's pregnant
Roc: yay
Prod: cool
Mike: hope it's a girl
Jacob: you'll be a great mom
Prince: we love you pregnant or not fix your face.
Ej:(hugged jay)
Jay: ej are you Ok
Ej: yeah why
Jay: your hugging me you never do that
Ej: just hug me back I love you sis
Jay:(hugs back tear coming down her cheek) I love you too
Prince: group hug
We all hug then we hear the for open causing us to look it was dig
Jay: upstairs NOW
Diggy: what did I do
Meme: you'll find out let's go
Bre: we'll be back guys
Ray: don't kill him I can't fuck you in jail
Bre: laughs going upstairs
Jay: what the fuck is wrong with you
Diggy: what did I do
Jay pulls it her phone and goes to the recording of the call
??: oh daddy
Dig: you like that
??: oh fuck
Dig: who's pussy is it
?? yours
Meme: you wanna explain that
Jay: who where you fucking
Dig: my jeweler
Jay:Monica that's why she had my ringtone and a ring next to it
Bre: that's cold
Jay: you feel pretty good right about now right
Dig: kinda
Jay: what happened to I won't leave you for an ex or cheat on you I just wanna love you what happened to that.
Dig: I lost the spark
Jay: so why didn't you say you list the spark instead of cheating
Dig: felt right to cheat at the time
Dig: jay calm down
Jay: oh and by the way I'm pregnant
Dig: it's not mine
Jay: I'll act like it's not
With that I waddled out the room went downstairs to see someone new sitting on the couch
Jay: who's this
?? Mateo but can me two
Jay: well hi I'm jay sorry about the yelling um brothers of mine I'm moving out I can't live in a house with him
Roc: where you gonna go
Jay: oh don't worry it's across the street
Ray: laughs really can't be away from us
Jay:no I can it's for the girls trust if I could move far I would
Mike: damn that hurt
Jay: don't take it person nice meeting you teo
Teo: you too beautiful
Jay blushed and walked to the kitchen she could hear the conversation
Teo: is she single
Prod: most likely
Teo: good
Mike: you like her
Teo: she's a cutie
Roc: please don't talk about my sister like that
Prince: don't mind him he's really close to jay
Teo: it's fine I get it I get that way too
Ej: you have a brother
Teo: yeah just hate when girls come to me to talk to him for them
Mike: I feel you
Ray: shut up you girl is upstairs relax
Jay forgot they were up there she ran out the kitchen and upstairs with the boys following. They got up there and they were kicking diggy's ass. Bre was pitching him and shaking him. Meme was just pouching and this girl got hands. Ray pulled bre off him and roc pulled meme off him
Jay: mike why didn't you help
Mike: did you see how she fucked him up I'm good I need this face
Diggy had a bloody nose busted lip 2 black eyes blood coming from his cheeks it looked bad I walked over to him and helped him to the bathroom to clean him up
Meme: what are you doing
Jay: just going to clean his face you fucked it up
We got to the bathroom I cleaned his face and the whole time he was looking at me
Jay:may I help you
Dig:why are you helping me after I cheated on you
Jay:I learn to forget and forgive it hurt but its your loss
Dig:I'm sorry
Jay:your forgiven
Meme:jay why are you moving out
Jay:I'm jus across the street meme don't worry I'm not far
Meme:but htas not the same as living with me
Jay:meme you'll be there everyday I'm sure your still living with me calm down
Meme:when you leaving
Jay:tonight I'm gonna go out later wanna come
Meme:yeah where we going
Jay:hair and nails and some shopping
Meme:I'll tell bre
Jay finished with dig then went to her room I got dressed and waited for meme and bre they came down 30 mins later
Jay: took y'all long enough
Meme: it was mike
Bre: it was ray
Jay: ew don't care
Teo: where you headed
Jay: don't you have a girlfriend but to the hair salon to get my hair done and nails then shopping
Teo: I don't have a girl she cheated so I'm single
Jay: when did she cheat
Teo: today with some dude
Jay: what's her name
Teo: Monica
Jay looked at bre and meme and back at him
Jay: um boo she cheated with Diggy
Teo: so I'm your boo now
Jay: (giggled) you could be
Teo: I'll see you tomorrow
Jay: wym
Teo: I know where you live I'll see you tomorrow
Jay walked to the car and got in with the girls all smiley and shit
Jay: what's up with y'all
Meme: your work fast
Jay: wym
Bre: you just broke up with dig and your going for teo
Jay: ha no I'm not we're just friends we could be more later on in life
Meme: just don't rush it
Jay: I won't
We got to the hair salon and I got a cut and a new color my hair is red with yellow and orange tips so it looks like fire I got my nails black meme for her hair blue and nails blue bre got her hair black and her nails purple. We were in the mall and went to Victoria secret when we saw

Their My BrothersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora