Chapter 10: Motorcycle Toy

Start from the beginning

I'm so ready to go back to Ohio with him, to go with him to our house, which can't be a home without him.

"I miss Daddy." He frowns as we walk through the double doors of the hotel.

"Me too." I frown.

"Madame Odeletta, j'ai un paquet pour toi!" The receptionist calls as I walk through the doors. She said she has a package for me.

Frowning, I walk over to her.

"Qu'Est-ce que c'est?" I asked her what it is.

"C'est d'Amérique." She explains. She said it's from America.

Frowning, I take it from her.

"Merci, Mademoiselle."

I let Raylen hold it and make him walk in front of me to the elevator. I go up to our floor and unlock the door, ushering the kids inside.

"What is it Mama?" Raylen asks, using all his little baby strength to put the box on the bed. I put Noemie in the walker and lift Raylen up on the bed. He sits behind the box and watches with wide eyes as I use my engagement ring to pop a hole in the tape. I rip the box open and check the return address.

901 Eastmoor Blvd, Eastmoor, Columbus, OH 43209 USA

"It's from Grandma and Grandpa." I say. Nathan's parents. His eyes light up as I open the flaps and peek inside. Noemie lets out a loud coo in her walker, spinning a ball attached to it. I hear the spinning of the small balls inside the ball thing and she giggles loudly. I smile at her and then pee into the box.

There's a note on the top of the clothing in the box. I open it up and see my mother-in-laws familiar handwriting.

Dear Odeletta,

I gathered up some of Nathan's clothes. I know he's probably sick of wearing those pesky hospital gowns. Whenever he got hurt as a child and had to wear them, he complained. I made another sticker taped to the back of this so you can change the return address and the hotel address to your house and the hospital so he will think it's from you. You could write a little note in it or something, I don't know. I just think he would want some of his own clothes to wear. I hope you guys are doing well.



P.S. send me a text when you get this so I know it didn't get lost in the mail

I fold the note and dig through the box. There's a lot of Nathan's jeans in here, his shorts, basketball shorts, underwear, t-shirt, tank tops, jackets, shoes, and sweatpants.

He will be pleased with this. I pull my phone from my pocket.

Me: hey Annie, the box was an excellent idea. I'm sure he's going to love it. I'll run it by the hospital in a few minutes. How are you and Henry doing?!

I peel off the old return address and stick on the new one.

The clothes smell like him and my heart aches. I sigh slowly.

"What is it Mama?" Raylen asks, sticking his thumb in his mouth.

"It's clothes for Daddy." I smile. I refold them, and notice a piece of paper on the bottom with a purple sticky note on it.

So you can write a new letter

I smile and pick it up, checking to make sure I got every trace of Annie from the box, and then I text Annie again.

Me: I'm going to write that you and I put it together, that way you get some credit too

I send the text and then I adjust the clothes and put it back in a box.

Motorcycle Girl: Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now