Chapter 5: Scared

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"You want to sneak out?" I whisper to Odette, bouncing Noemie in my arms.

"Yes. One at a time. I'll go last." She says.

"I think you and Nathan should go before us." Adelaide says. "We have already been to jail."

"So have I." I say.

"It's not the same sweetie. You guys should go first."

"I'm going last." Odette insists. "Dad, you go first with Raylen, Mom, you go next with Noemie, and then Nathan goes, and then I go. When each of you get to the car, text the group. Make sure your phones are on silent."

"I feel like we're breaking out of prison. Is this necessary? Why can't we just walk out and tell her to screw off?" I sigh.

I just want to go home.


"Four is stronger than two. Let's storm out." Josh says. Adelaide looks hesitant.

"Odette and I get the kids, you two gets the suitcases."

"There's eleven suitcases." I sigh. "This is bullshit. I'm going to load the car."

I roll my eyes and hand my daughter to my mother-in-law.

I turn to walk out, but Odeletta grabs my hand. I sigh and look at her.

She looks afraid.

"Nathan, these people ruined my childhood." She whispers. "And there's a target over your head. Please. Just follow the plan."

A target over my head?

"Wait." I turn fully to her. "You think she's going to put you and I in jail? Rip us away from the kids?"

The look in her eyes says it all.

We're in Belgium.

What if they lock all four of us up? And our kids are left alone? Raylen is only two, and Noemie is only seven months.

They could die.

"Where are we going?" I ask Odette, pulling my little girl closer to me.

"We are going to France." She whispers. "And we are turning them in. The French government will probably storm their house and if somebody is after us, we will find out."



"I'm not taking the kids to France. They could do something to us. I'm not taking the kids to France."

"So what? What do you want to do?" Josh asks.

I look down at Raylen, his big brown eyes peering up at me.

"We're going back to the states and getting the kids somewhere safe. Somewhere that they won't track them to. Someone we're not related to."

I knock violently on the wooden door, Josh holding open the screen door. After a few seconds I start hammering on the door.

I hear the lock turn and she opens the door, her blonde hair falling out of her ponytail and into her face.

"Nathan?" She frowns. "Hey little one, you got so much bigger from the last time I saw you!" She takes Noemie from my arms. "What's wrong?"

"You need to take them." Odette whispers, nudging Raylen into the house.

"What?" She laughs. "I can't be a mother."

"Gwen." I say. "We are in trouble and we need you to take them. To protect them. Don't open the door for anybody you don't know. Keep them. We'll come back."

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