My Tag, I Guess.

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So, I thought of an interesting tag today, and I want to see if it'll spread around. In honor of the song on Abbey Road, I'll call this the Her Majesty tag!

Tag as many friends as you wish, and appoint them the king or queen of something you know them for. If they want to, they'll do the same as well. For example:

Gold_Greasers, Queen of the Caps Lock

Rebecca_Dolenz, Queen of the Cliffhangers

fatzshai4, Queen of the Funniest Goddamn Pictures Of Paul McCartney

ThreeGaysGrace, Queen of the Crackfics

jimmorrisonsgirl, Queen of The Best-Looking Makeup I Have Ever Seen

You-You-You, Queen of Inflation

pauliesnecklace, King of the Most Uplifting Comments On Books Ever

lennison, King Of The Most Extensive Collection Of Beatles Merchandise I Have Ever Seen (Seriously, I'm 500% Jealous And Really Impressed) And, You Know, Lennison

We'll let this sit for a while and see how this goes over!

See you all soon!

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