Around the outside of the mansion it was so quiet she could hear a pin drop. Staff, members, everyone knew that Gheorghe fucked up not once, but now twice for her to be receiving him herself. He was wasting her time. She played her emotionless face as she strutted forward with her head raised high in confidence and rage with a purpose. Nic followed five steps behind her, keeping to himself. He didn't want to be caught in her rage.

The doors were opened for Crina so she didn't have to pause after she ascended the front steps. The inside was just as quiet as the outside but she knew everyone was awake. They only didn't want to be caught in the crossfire of the Cernat rage.

"Gheorghe!" She called out calmly, waiting inside the door. If everyone didn't show up in one minute, more specifically Gheorghe then she was going to find him to kill him on the spot. She didn't want to reach for her gun yet but her fingers were itching to hold the cold metal.

She heard footsteps as every member of her organization piled in. She noticed Gheorghe in an instant. Her emotionless eyes met his, she could see and feel the fear rolling off of him. She narrowed her eyes, moving her hand to beckon him over. He walked over on shaky feet.

"I have graced not only you but your family with my protection and this is how you repay?" She asked, glancing at his wife what held the hands of his daughter and his son, her stomach swollen with another baby. "Should we bring them too? Since you would rather disobey me to stay with them?"

"No, no, please. Not my family." He begged, his face showing regret and fear.

She lifted her hand, a loud smack filling the air as she backhanded him. He fell to the floor, looking up at her. She looked down at him with disdain, "Don't speak to me." Her eyes briefly glanced at his family before she turned around. She looked at Nic before walking back to the car. She would let his family live but they could not leave. They knew too much. She didn't want to risk leaked information.

She got into her suv, waiting for Nic to drag along Gheorghe along.

When the door opened Gheorghe was shoved in to sit across from Crina. The woman didn't spare her fourth in command a single glance. Regrettably, she placed her insights wrongly, she blindly placed her protection on someone who couldn't give a single fuck about their exposure. Nic slid in and sat next to Crina to protect her though they all knew that Crina could kill both men without a single hesitation in a blink of an eye.

Silence filled the car, save for Gheorghe's nervous fidgeting but a glare from the furious woman would end it immediately. Her kindness and her patience were at zero because of Gheorghe's carelessness.

When they arrived to the cafe Crina didn't spare a glance at the old woman, silence fell over the staff as Gheorghe was led to the back of the shop behind Crina but in front of Nic. Nic kept his pace five steps behind Gheorghe as he did so five steps behind her. She didn't pause even once as she led them all down to the tunnel, going through the bright red painted door of the three. By now the careless man was trying to hide his tears behind a mask of no emotion. He was weak, she didn't see how she could pick someone so weak to be her fourth. She should have entrusted her third in command Mihal to go but she gave him a rest since he had previously come back from a mission he carried out flawlessly.

She walked town many, many steps until the air was so thick. The walls felt suffocating, the silence was broken by the click of her heels and Gheorghe's whimpers. He knew the further down hey went the worse that could happen. Crina briefly paused before after a flight of stairs before she looked back at Nic. They made silent conversation, her asking permission for his skills. Nic nodded, a grim look settling on his face. With that confirmation she look one last flight of stairs to the very bottom. The whimpering man let out a sob that they all ignored.

Once they reached a solid door that held many heavy duty locks. She pulled out her keys from somewhere hidden on her to open it. There wasn't much in the room, only Nic's play toys and a gun fully loaded for Crina. She didn't bother to play mind games like Nic did, oh no, she was a bullet to each kneecap before leaving them for about an hour. Then she would place a bullet straight between the eyes. Sometimes skipping the knees.

"P-please. I'm sorry." Gheorghe whines. Crina turned and lifted her hand to hook her fist onto his jaw, he fell back onto the floor, glancing up at her in fear.

"Don't speak unless you are spoken to, you disgust me. How dare you." She spat, nodding at Nic. He picked up the man that surely had a broken jaw before throwing him carelessly into the metal chair. Nic strapped him in, Crina knew that if she didn't leave now she would kill him without hesitation.

She looked up at Nic and he seemed to understand. He look off his jacket, ready to give it to Crina. He rolled up his sleeve as Crina grabbed her gun.

She walked forward, placing the cold metal on his forehead, restraining herself from killing him then.

"What you have done has not only exposed you, or me, but out organization that my father has spent decades to build up. That I have spent my life to build up. I'm not about to let someone by the looks of you to tear it down with a single fuck up. There are no second chances, Gheorghe." She spat, moving the gun, pulling the trigger when she knew the gun was pointed at his shoulder. He screamed in pain, his white wrinkled dress shirt quickly stained with blood.

"You're lucky that I don't kill you right now. Or unlucky." She said with a shrug. She placed her gun back the where it belonged. She took Nic's jacket from him along with his watch that she bought him for her loyalty.

He nodded at her so she said the word that triggered Nic psychologically.

"Nicholi." She spoke, immediately seeing a change in his posture as she opened the door. "Have fun. I'll be back in two hours."


Spoiler if you haven't read Obsession yet but if you read Obsession do you now understand why he went ape shit when Cel said his name?

Also, I've had absolute fucking hell trying to upload this.

Date: January 11

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