Chapter 4

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Gotta Be You

Chapter 4

Junes POV

Did you know that a small car wasn't meant for six people? Well, apparently, the guys didn't. I ended up sitting on Louis' lap becuase there weren't enough seats.

"Aw, Boo Bear, I would have sat on your lap and June could have had a seat," Harry said to Louis. Boo Bear? What the fudge?

Louis said, "Hazzah, I know you would, but you're heavy and June isn't." Harry fake cried on Nialls' shoulder. Okay, now my mind was spinning. What was going on with these boys? I was seriously doubting their sanity when Zayn leaned over Harry and whispered in my ear, "Harry and Louis have a little bromance. The fans love it." Fans?

"Fans? What fans? Are you guys famous or something?" As soon as I asked that, everything went silent. Then Harry let out a shrill screech, "You don't know who One Direction is?"

Oh, that boy band. I'd heard of them, but had never really payed any attention. I was too busy running for my life.

"Oh, I've heard of One Direction. I've just never payed alot of attention. Sorry. So I'm guessing that you guys are One Direction?" I said. They all yelled "yes". Harry seemed to relax a little.

Things were quite until Nialls' stomach growled. He shouted, "Nandos!" What's Nandos?

"Niall, the are no Nandos in America!" Liam said. We hit a bump in the road and I winced. My stomach was hurting from my knife wound.

Louis noticed and said, "Liam, take it easy on the bumps! Injured person back here!"

"Are you okay, June?" Liam asked worridly. I answered, "Yeah, I'm fine. Louis was exagerating!" I slapped my hand over Louis' mouth before he could contradict me.

Unfortunaly, Liam wasn't fooled. "You got stabbed. So please don't try and lie and say it doesn't hurt," he said.

We turned a corner and Liam suddenly jumped on the brakes. I was thrown forward but pulled back by Louis. I groaned. That hurt. I clutched my stomach.

Liam turned around and asked, "Is everyone alright?" That question was met with groans and a peeved Zayn saying, "What the HELL was that for?"

"Sorry. A dog was in the middle of the street." I muttered, "Damn dog!"

"Dude, just get us to the hotel without killing June!" Louis said. Lain appologized and started driving again. I leaned back into Louis. He was kinda comfortable to lean on.

Soon we reached the hotel. I climbed out of the car, followed by the rest of them.

"Good thing you guys got out fast! I just let one rip!" Niall said, laughing.

"Gross, Nialler!" Zayn shouted. We started walking into the hotel. Little stabs of pain were flaring in my stomach. I swayed on my feet slightly. Liam noticed and ignoring my protests, he picked me up bridal style.

"No, really! I can walk!" I protested. Liam looked down at me and said, "The doctor said you needed rest. And you look like you're about to pass out." A cute grin appeared on his face as he added, "Louis was right, you don't weigh anything!" I blushed fiercly.

"Youre cute when you blush," Harry said, winking. That only made me blush harder. Unnoticed by me, Liam gave Harry a death glare.

"Why aren't we taking the elevator?" I asked as they began climbing the stairs.

"I'm claustrophobic," Niall answered. Oh, that makes sense. I was oddly comfortable in Liams' arms. He seemed strong and sturdy. My stomach was really hurting by now. I hurried my face in his chest. He had a nice smell; kind of like laundry soap.

We reached the hotel room and he gently placed me on the couch. "Zayn, can you grab the painkillers and a glass of water?" Liam asked. He sat on the floor next to the couch. Zayn came back with the stuff and handed them to me. I took the medicine and placed the cup on the table next to the couch.

"Thank you," I said.

"No problem," Zayn replied. He smiled and took a seat on the couch. I looked around the hotel room. It was more like a luxury suite. The couch went in a circle halfway around the living room. There was a hallway leading to what I guessed were the bedrooms and the bathroom. A kitchen was to my right. I took note of all of the windows and doors, planning escape routes should I need to bolt.

Whatever that medicine was, it was sure working fast. My stomach barely hurt when I sat up. I made room for Liam and he sat next to me.

"So, what are we going to do about food?" Niall asked, as his stomach growled yet again.

"We could go get some McDonalds," Harry suggested.

"I want a Happy Meal!" Niall shouted. This was followed by similar shouts from everyone except Liam.

"Well, I want a cheese burger," he said. "Okay, Harry. You take Niall and Louis with you. Get five Happy Meals and a cheese burger, please. "

"Sir, yes, sir!" Louis shouted, saluting Liam. Niall and Harry busted out laughing. Liam gave Louis, Harry and Niall dirty looks.

"Okay! We're leaving, Daddy Direction!" Harry yelled and Louis and him ran out the door to get the food.

"Wow, you guys really take food seriously," I said. Zayn suddenly appeared out if nowhere and sat down next to Liam. "Does it take three people to get McDonalds?" I added.

Liam looked at me and said, "If you're us, then yes, yes it does."

A/N: Sorry if this chapter sucks. It'll get better in the next chapter. And I'm asking you readers a favor, besides commenting, voting and fanning. This story has very few reads. So I'm asking you to please promote this story to YOUR fans and friends on Wattpad so it'll get more reads and stuff. Thanx! And I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! :)

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