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Chapter 6
Jaun Ortiz's sister
April 9, 2017
Hayden POV

It's the last day of the week before I start school again.

Well let me rephrase that, I wanna see that girl from Starbucks again.

I slept until 12:48, I got up and took a shower. I put on a shirt and jeans. I didn't really care what others think.

What am I saying, of course I care! I'm just not doing anything today.

My phone rang, Johnny. He got in last night.

"Hey bro wanna come over?" He said. "Sure when?" I asked. Now is good." Okay on my way."

I got there and Lauren answered the door. Thank god Johnny was right behind her or else I would move back to Texas.

"C'mon in bro!" Johnny said. I walked inside and he directed me to his room. 
  We played video games until about 7:00 and Lauren said she's going out.

I personally liked that better than anything else ever.

Johnny and I went to Taco Bell and got food at about 11:00. While we were there saw the girl from Starbucks walking into chipotle.

Wow she's beautiful. Yeah I have to talk to her Monday.

  We got back to Johnny's house and Lauren wasn't back yet. It was 11:38. That was past her curfew by about 8 minutes. Sure me and Johnny were out late, but since he was older he got more time than Lauren out at night. He didn't have to be back for another twenty minutes.
   I didn't care, and my dad called me saying I needed to be home.

I got home and put my cream on my scar and Johnny called me, "Dude, a girl just killed Lexie Jade!"

Lexie Jade was Lauren's best friend's cousin. Also knows as,  Mackenzie Ziegler's cousin. She was so sweet to Lauren, which made me happy and sad. Happy because Lauren needed a good influence. Sad because she was nice to Lauren!

"Okay dude chill out, I know she was you're crushes cousin. However, do you have a description of what her name was?" "Tall blonde hair, but couldn't see a face. She was skinny. She had a gun. I only know because I was supposed to tell Lauren. Tell nobody!" He explained.

Wait, that was a description of Lauren. Well it added up.
Well that's Juan Ortiz's sister for you.
Sorry the last few chapters were fillers. You all are so sweet with my pm's so here is another update.
Bye lovelies,

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