I walk over to him and lace my fingers in his. "Hey." I say.

"Hey." He replies back squeezing my hand.

"Are you mad at me?" I ask him biting my lip. He looks over at me. And hugs me.

"Never." He says into my ear. He pulls back and kisses me gently. He pulls away and I help him pick up the tent. I have sucky folding abilities so while Jason and Nate fold the tent I start waking everyone up. We agreed it wasn't a good idea to go for runs in the morning do to the long days and sleepless nights. And Nate and Jason refused to let me go due to the rogues.

After everyones up and packed we start walking, we get in twenty miles before it's lunch, the three werewolfs are starved because we skipped breakfast. Jason and Dean go out and catch some more food for us to eat as I make another camp. I'm not even the slightest bit hungry, still semi full after last night, but I do manage to eat a fourth of one of the rabbits they brought back. Jason ate his raw on the hunt and brought back three more. Nate ate one and a half and Ryder one and a quarter of a rabbit. Ryder found a bush of wild blueberries and everyone ate some except for the three vampires accompanying us.

Dan walks up to me. "Ready to shoot some arrows?" He asks. I nod and grab my wooden bow out of Nate's stuff, slinging the quiver full of arrows over my shoulder. I take the belt of throwing knives and put three around each of my boots. I got special boot belts to carry them. The throwing knives on my belt are laced with both silver and wood and other metals +killing both werewolves and vampires immediately, as well as any other supernatural creatures we run into. The knives on my right boot are all wood except for the one in my boot which is pure silver. On my left boot belt is pure silver and in my boot is a wooden one, with a silver handle.

"You really know how to carry a bow. And are very packed with knives with ease of movement." He says watching me.

"I'm a pretty good shot and throw. And a pretty good swordsmen." I say as I sheath my sword. The sword fits me almost perfectly. "I was trained by the best." I tell him.

"Except your speed is dangerous and the control needed for these weapons is high." He says. I nod.

We walk far away from the group and I see that he already set up targets and balloons. First I ready my arrow and draw my bow. Accounting for speed quickly I adjust my bow and release the arrow. Spot in the middle of the target. Suddenly a squirrel appears above the target and I shoot it. Right in the eye. Dan picks it up and speeds it back to camp. I knew some of the others were still hungry. I practice throwing knives while he is gone. I get the feel of the knifes I aim for the green balloon and hit it. Then grabbing another knife I flick my wrist with vampire speed and hit the orange one instead of the red one. I adjust my aim and throw another with vampire speed this time hitting the red one on the edge. Again I adjust my aim and this time I hit the blue balloon directly in the middle. I pop all the rest of the balloons in the center with vampire speed. I hear a footstep behind me and with vampire speed I pull my bow and turn, I do not release.

Dan claps. "Bravo bravo." He was watching me this whole time. "Now try the bow with speed and precision." I nod and draw my bow and aim and fire with vampire speed. I'm not directly in the middle but it would still count as on the line between nine and ten. I readjust and repeat the sequence. Getting closer to the middle. Again I repeat the trained sequence and fire. I hit it directly in the middle. I do this a few more times. "Good job. I think you're ready. geez you only took 3 days to train and you practically trained your own damn self!" He exclaims.

I crinkle my eyebrows. "What about the sword?" I ask him.

"Oh that was just for show." He smiles. "Or if you run into a human. But knives are still better do to your speed." I shake my head at him but can't hide the amusement as we pick up the targets and dispose of them. We run back to camp.

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