I nod slowly. I look at the doctor. "Wanna go on a trip?" I ask him questioningly.

He looks to Jason who nods agreeing it a good idea. "Luna, I cannot, but I do have a very capable doctor under my command. More knowledgeable then possibly even me. Luna." He bows his head.

"Oh quit the formalities." I wave my hand at him. "That will do. What is this doctors name?" I ask the head doctor.

"Ryder." He stated simply.

"May I see him?" I ask.

"Actually,." A girl walks in black jeans and a doctor's coat on. " I'm a girl." She smiles finishing her sentence.

"Oh thank god. Honestly I'm so sick of guys." I tell her Earning a whimper from both Jason and Nate.

I squeeze their hands. Then let go of them. I stand up. "Nice to meet you." I shake her hand. "Do you like shopping?" I ask her.

She cringes in disgust. "Absolutely not." She crinkles her eyebrows. "You?" She asks curious.

"Oh I absolutely despise it." I tell her smiling. "Can you fight?" I ask her.

"Yeah I'm not too shabby. Though I sure as hell ain't the best." She says.

We let go of our handshake. "Take care of my daughter." The doctor tells us all and walks out of the room.

"Sooo..." I say in the empty abyss. "I guess we better get back to the packhouse and fill you in." She nods.

We meet Joe at the pack house packed and ready to go. He looks at me. "Ready, Luna."

"We are not leaving tell morning Joe. And on the Moon Goddess if you don't stop calling me Luna I might have to slit your throat!" I yell exasperated.

"Yes Luna." He says. Then realizes what he says and looks at me scared for his life. I just sigh and walk into the living room.

Both the boys chuckle at Joe. Ryder side steps him and sits on the couch across from me.

"First of all you tell anyone in the pack this I'll slit your throats. Understand me." Jason looks at both of them seriously.

"Yes Alpha." They both reply in unison.

"Well." I say looking at Jason, then back to the two on the couch directly in front of ours. "I'm a hybrid." I tell them. Ryder acts like she knows. Joe at first thinks it's a joke then looks at me and realizes I'm serious.

"And most importantly I'm the daughter of the vampire king." I pause. "And the granddaughter of the werewolf king." I tell them. And before they register what I say. "Oh and also. The three of us are mates." I say gesturing towards Jason, Nate, and me. "And Nate's my first love."

"Dammit Alex. Couldn't you give them a little time to process it?" Jason sighs. I look at them and realize they are both taking it like a normal person. But are loyal. They both have a sense of humor as well.

"At least I'm not gay!" I say then bolt off the couch yelling 'gay' all the way up the stairs into Jason's room. I lock the door. I hear him pound on the last step and go through all the rooms trying to find me. He goes to open the door and realises it's locked.

"Alex open the door." He tells me. Trying to hide his emotions from me. I narrow my eyes.

"Never!" I yell back at him. I sit on his bed and smile at the door. Then I hear the doorknob turn. He had a key. "Well duh idiot it's his own damn room." I mutter to myself as I hide under his covers. I here Ryder tell Nate that she'll go get packed, and Joe say he wanted to spend one more night with his mate. Nate tells them both to be here by 8 in the morning.

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