Chapter 12

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Ok, I now felt really bad about the Dylan situation but I had to get a grip because my date was in half an hour. I tried texting him already, but no reply.

"Ohhh you look nice. Can I do your makeup?" Blythe says clapping excitingly from her bed.

"Um, I already did my makeup...." I say grabbing my compass mirror from my nightstand and double checking. "What? Is it bad?"

"Oh no, no. Just hard to tell, that's all." She says with a huge fake smile.

"Oh my God! It IS bad!"

"No! Just a bit too simple. Why don't you go with lipstick instead of lip gloss? It'd be a nice touch." 

" Good idea." I say, grabbing my makeup bag again. " Now which color?" I say pulling out all my lipsticks and showing her. I was wearing black fitted skinny jeans with a loose sparkly blue top.

" That one!" She says pointing to a soft pink one. I grab it and apply it on my lips gently. "Much better." She says.

"Thanks. I now gotta go." I grab my purse from my bed, give one last look to the mirror and leave.

"Good luck!" I hear Blythe yell from the hallway. 


"So you're a Junior?"


"That's good."


"Yeah. I'm a freshman."


Ok so this wasn't going well. He's been on his phone the whole time and hasn't been paying attention to our date.

"Um Brandon? Am I keeping you from something?" I ask.

"Uh what?" He says looking up.

"Am I keeping you from something? You've been on your phone this whole time."

"Oh I'm sorry. I'm really bad at dates. My friend made me ask you because you seem like the really daty type, but can we skip all this to the part where we end up kissing know?" he says suggestively.

"Goodbye." I say grabbing my purse and getting up. I'm so stupid.

"Aww come on!" He says getting up as well. "Really? That's how u wanna do it?" He says stopping in front of me and making puppy eyes at me.

"Brandon. I'm not gonna say this twice. Get. Out. Of. My. Way." He looked me in eyes and when he finally understood that I was serious, he stepped aside.

"Thank you." I say walking away. What an ass.

Turned out Dylan was right. This guys an asshole. But I was completely able to take care of myself and leave. I regret hurting Dylans feelings, but he shouldn't have tried to control me like I was a child. Anyways I'm gonna go and apologize.

I came back to our dorms and knocked on his door. He opened it almost immediately. Shirtless of course.

"What do you want?"

"Would you let me in?"

He opened the door wider and stepped back for me to get in. He looked me up and down.

"How was your date?" He said "date" like it was a bad word.

"Well, it sucked."

Concern suddenly flashed in his eyes. "What happened? Did he hurt you?" He said coming closer and expecting my face.

"Dylan, I'm fine. He was just an asshole, so I left."

"Oh. Okay." He said stepping back and nodding. "So why are you here?"

" I wanted to apologize for earlier." I say. "I shouldn't have said these things about you. I'm sorry."

"Well, I don't forgive you."

Oh my God. He could be so stubborn sometimes.

"Oh come on!"

"You called me a man whore!"

"Because I was under the impression that you were a man whore!"

"Wow, you really suck at apologies."

"Well you already said that you don't accept my apology, so why does it matter if it's a good one or not?"

"It matters!"

"Oh my God! You're so infuriating!"

"Why did you think I was a man whore?" He says softly.

"Well, because I hear stories about you around campus. And - and there's that girl u slept with that you even got beat up for, remember? Ha!" I say pointing at him accusingly.

"First of all, I didn't get beat up for it. No one beats me up. Ever. Second of all, that girl was a one time thing because I was going through something at the time, but I don't usually make a habit of this. And third, these stories aren't true, you would have known that if you had bothered asking!" He all but grits out.

"Oh yes that would have gone great. "Dylan, did you really have a threesome with the admissions office lady and the cheerleading team coach behind the soccer field?" We don't talk about stuff like this!!"

"Wait, is that really a rumor?"


He bursts out laughing, and soon I join in too.

"How- how would I even-" He laughs some more, dropping on the bed. We laugh hysterically on his bed for minutes.

Until our laughs finally die down and we look at each other.

"Look I'm sorry too," he says softly. " I might've been a bit too controlling about your date. I just didn't want you to get hurt."

I smile, wiping a tear. " How would I ever get hurt with you always having my back and ready to slay dragons for me?"

He laughs. "Come here." He says, taking me into a hug.


Hi, I'm back! It's been ages. You guys know I had a broken finger and all. It took a couple months of physical therapy to learn how to use my fingers again. I'm back at school and can type now. *applause.* Anyways, I took a lot of time of that time off to brainstorm. And I have so many ideas for this story. Here's a new chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment!


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