Chapter 11

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My alarm is currently going off for the 4th time. I groan. I shut it off this time instead of snoozing. I yawn and sit up. I realize that Blythe is already gone from her empty bed. Thanks a lot for waking me up. I have class in 15 mins. I contemplate between not taking a shower and get there on time or taking a shower and being a little late. A shower, it is! The idea of leaving my bedroom and putting clothes on and talking to people of the outside world without a shower doesn't sit well with me. I could never understand people going about their day without taking a shower in the morning. It just feels wrong.

15 mins later, my hair is in a bun, and I'm wearing ripped jeans and a grey hoodie, and I'm walking out of my dorm. The building my class is in is nowhere nearby so, it'll probably take a couple minutes. In my haste to get to class, I bump harshly into someone, dropping my stuff on the floor.

"Shit, sorry." I quickly say, bending down to get my stuff but strong, big hands beat me to it.

"Don't apologize. It's partly my fault. I kinda wasn't looking either." Those hands belonging to a lean guy with dark blonde hair, grab my stuff and hand them to me. He looked familiar.

I tilt my head to the side. "I know you, don't I?"

"Uh...yeah. We danced together at that party earlier in the semester..." He says teasingly smiling at me.

"Right! And we have biology together. I never caught your name." I say.

"I never gave it. I'm Brandon." He says, holding his hand out for me to hold.

I roll my eyes at him but still shake his hand. "Michaela, but you can call me Kayla."

"Ohh, I get a special nickname, uh?" He says smiling coyly.

"Yes, of course." Right at that moment a random kid I know from economics passes by, quickly greeting me.

"Hey Kayla!"

I turn and wave, turning back to Brandon. He raises an eyebrow.

"Fine, everyone calls me that. I'll think of something else for you then, I guess."

He laughs. "I'll take it."

"Which reminds me, I have to go. I'm late for class." I say, adjusting my bag on my shoulder, and turning to leave. "Nice meeting you."

"Wait!" He says urgently, and I turn around. "Plead give me your number, I'd like to chat more." He says sheepishly.

Uhhh....should I? Why the hell not? He's cute and seems nice. "Sure! Here, give me your phone." I take it from him and enter my number. He smiles brightly. "Gotta go now." I say sauntering away.

I finally make it to class, kinda late obviously. I quietly shuffle in the back next to Dylan, the professor paying me no mind.

"Where the hell have you been?" Dylan asks.

"I overslept."

He left it at that and went back to look at the board.


It didn't take long for Brandon to start texting me. My phone pinged right after class with a message from him asking me out. I agreed to go out with him tonight to get dinner at this nice, restaurant across campus. At least I had an idea on how to dress. It was a very casual place. I was now hanging with the girls after soccer practice when Dylan and his friends popped up behind us.

"Do you want to help me with that Psych homework later tonight?" Dylan whispered next to me pouting.

"Sorry, can't. I have plans." I say ruffling his hair.

"Plans? What plans?" He says, scrunching his eyebrows. Gloria squealed next to me from something Carlos said.

"She has a date." Sofia speaks up for me, smiling like the Cheshire Cat.

Dylan frowned. "A date? With who?"

"Uhh... I don't know if you know him. It's this guy Brandon." I said suddenly uncomfortable .

He snorted. "Brandon? Brandon Hansen?"

"Well, I don't know his last name." I say shrugging.

"You're going out with a guy you don't know the last name of?"

"That's what dates are for, genius. It's to get to know each other." At this point everyone was looking back and forth between us, like watching a ping pong match.

"Well, that won't be necessary. I can tell you all about him and save you the trouble. He's a man whore and just uses girls for a good bang. So, no you can't go out with him." He says, with finality, like his decision was made.

"Excuse me? I don't remember asking for your permission. Maybe I wanted to use him for a good bang, have you thought of that, mmm? " Ok, I really didn't but Dylan doesn't need to know that. I'm just so pissed at him thinking he can order me around.

"This isn't like you." He gritted out. "I'm just trying to help you here."

"Well, let me find out for myself then. I'm not a baby. I'm perfectly capable of saying no if I don't wanna do something. Stop acting so self-righteous, like you're some little saint yourself. You use girls for sex too when you really give zero shit about them. " I spat back.

He flinched. "Good to know you think so highly of me. I don't resort to anything that low. But of course you wouldn't know that since you're too busy thinking I'm a monster!" He all but yelled at me, grabbing his stuff and leaving.

"Well, that was fun. Cheetos, anyone? " Sofia asked cheerfully grabbing a bag of Cheetos from her bag.

Now I really felt bad.

Hey everyone sorry this update is like 100 yrs late. I had a bunch of final exams, and if you are in College, you'll know that those require a lot of focusing. I finished school last week thank God, but I had an incident at work , a huge door closed on my finger and its now broken, so I just can't really type for a while, my finger is in a cast so it's really uncomfortable to. This chapter was in my drafts for a while, but it was unfinished, that's why it's so short, but I just wanted to give u guys something until I can write again. (Hopefully, very soon). I'll take this moment to brainstorm and come up with new ideas for this story. Don't forget to vote and drop a comment! Love you all.
- Johanna 😘

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