Chapter Five: The Plaza

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I literally tried to cover my face with my clutch, but of course it wasn't big enough. As the cab started on toward Niall's hotel, Niall slipped his hand to mine and intertwined our fingers.

Then, we approached a red light which gave our driver, Ed, the perfect chance to chat with us.

"Hey, aren't you that, uh, guy from One Way? Neil?"

"Oh, good try, my name's Niall and I am in a band that's called One Direction."

"Oh, well you got one pretty girl over there..."


"Chrissie. Is that you?"

"Uh, yeah, it's me! Erm, How are you doing?"

"What do you mean "how am I doing"?! You fucking left me alone! Do you know how long it took me to get over you?! You left me broken!"

Niall protectively interrogated, "How do you two know each other?! What's going on?!"

"Um, Ed and I used to...used to date."




"FINE WITH ME," I screamed.

As Niall and I piled out of the cab, I realized that he was actually a little bit drunk. (That explained his yelling outbursts!). I could smell the lingering aroma of the earlier-drank pint of beer he'd downed back at the club.

We trampled down some loud New York City streets while laughing about random crap hand-in-hand. Now don't get me wrong, having all the lights and cameras on you sounds fun...but it's NOT when you're trying to have some personal moments with your crush! I almost fell at least ten times because of the amount of paps swarming around us. Luckily, like the proper gentlemen I'd only ever dreamed of, he gave me his jacket to wear while walking.

Finally, we reached the Plaza hotel and took the elevator up to his room.

He swiftly opened the door and I was greeted by the sight of an enormous suite that was two stories and appeared as more of an apartment than suite.

"Wow! It's huge in here!"

"Eh, I sorta prefer smaller hotel rooms. But management already ordered this room for me before I arrived in New York last week."

"You seem to have to do a lot for management!"

"Just the perks of being famous." We both stifled a laugh.

Niall started toward his collection of DVDs and asked me,"So what movie do you want to watch? I have action, comedies...horror movies."

"YES! Horror movies are my favorite!"

"You'll be able to last five minutes?"

"Yeah I will! But I doubt the same for you, Niall!"

"Oh yeah?! Let's see about that! I'll put in The Exorcist, you change into these clothes." He handed me a Derby County oversized t-shirt and sweatpants.

I then said, "Thanks. Where's your bathroom?"

"It's okay, you can change right here."

"Hmmm. Here's a thought; you put in the movie, I'll go change upstairs."

Niall sighed,"Okay. But if you change your mind I'll be here."

"Oh I bet you will," I winked.

I trotted back down the stairs to the suite's main floor to find Niall skipping through previews on the flat screen TV.

He was partially lying down on the couch so I decided to join him.

I was wondering what others would think about me if they knew I came home with a celebrity I'd only known for a few hours! I just waved the thoughts away because that was my time with Niall; no one else's!

Once again, little did I know that almost the entire globe would find out about Niall and I. All I wanted to focus on was the movie and obviously him.

At all the really eerie and scary parts of the movie, Niall would actually cuddle up to me timidly; not the other way around.

That sort of gave me the impression that he wasn't a badass like at the club and in the taxi...but those factors just made him really cute. I almost fell asleep lying down with him until I saw dozens of blindingly-bright lights flashing.

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