Chapter Four: Confidence

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By the time we'd finished talking over drinks, it was already 2am!

Once I checked the time and realized, Niall asked me something that took me by complete surprise; " you by chance want to come back with me to my hotel room...maybe watch a movie?"

"That sounds great, the last thing I want tonight is to go back to my sorority house with a drunk girl and her, judging by the looks of it right now, three drunk mates. Plus, I already drank vodka tonight. Why not do something else untypical?!"

"That sounds cool. I'll go get a cab if you want to say bye to Jackie. Oh, and just in case I lose you in the crowd full of paps, here's my number."

"Thanks, see you in a second," I smile.

I almost died as he handed me the napkin with his number quickly scribbled on it.

"Hey Jackie, I'm leaving with that guy over there to go back to his hotel." (I wouldn't dare tell her that it was Niall!).

Jackie stated, slurring her drunken words,"Oh and you say I'm a whore? You're the one going back to his room aren't ya? Well have funnnnnnnn!! But not. Too. Much. Funnnnn."

"Okay, see you tomorrow, J. Bye."

As I pushed my way through paparazzi outside to Niall and the cab, a gigantic wave of confidence washed over my body. Everything that happened that night felt so surreal, like I was living in a fairytale for a few hours...and I had found my Prince Charming. Niall and I gathered into the taxi cab, and I had a major "oh shit" moment. The driver, to my luck, was my ex-boyfriend whom I'd broken up with.

Nightclub NYCDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora