Chapter One: Jackie and I

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"Hurry up, Chrissie! This girl needs some action soon, and if you keep getting ready like you're going to prom, the nightclub will be closed by the time you're done! Plus, One Direction are in town, and you never know where they'll be at what time! They're all old enough to go to a nightclub...just like us...," Jackie cooed at me from the other side of our shared bedroom.

Jacqueline (or Jackie for short) had always stayed a loyal friend and, as you can see, a persistent one. However, she had her moments - especially when it came to the international boyband One Direction. She'd lash out at everyone in her way when a member was rumored to have a girlfriend. If you think that's bad, you should've seen her when Kendall Jenner and Harry Styles came back from having dinner and were in the lad's car! Let's just say that when those pictures were released, expensive china plates in one piece didn't exactly exist in our sorority home anymore. Although she was like this at times, Jackie did have her virtues, such as listening to what you had to say, and always finding the best parties around town - which I never really attended alongside her.

If you're wondering if I was a crazed and brainwashed One Direction fan, the answer is that I was not. Sure I liked some of their music, and had a few posters, but I didn't dream about them and you know, punch walls when someone in the band had a girlfriend. Instead, I enjoyed their songs and humorous videos. Like I stated before, I wasn't a crazy fan, but there was one boy I'd always had my eye on in the band; Niall Horan. I loved his thick Irish accent and his charming, mile-wide smile. I adored the way his hair swoops to the side so the blonde is on top, brown on bottom. I loved him through his crooked-teeth stage, braces stage, and perfect-teeth stage. Something I'd always wondered about him is if he's dark and mischievous, or a sweet and goofy boy. Okay, maybe I was a little, tiny bit "obsessed" if you will, but I was just a twenty-one year old girl who could fantasize, right? Anyways, here's the rest of my adventure-filled night:

Nightclub NYCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora