Chapter 7: Pens and Papers

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One of my sorority sisters opened the door completely oblivious as to who was behind it. Luckily, my bedroom door was open, allowing me to hear Chelsea (the door opener) and someone with an Irish accent's conversation. I muttered to myself,"Awww he's Irish! Wait, he's introducing himself." This I frantically shouted: "NIALL?!" 

I stumbled down the stairs to him.

"Niall, what are you doing here?"

"You, uh, left your erm, dress and shoes in my room last night."

"You two know each other? What's going on here?,"Chelsea interrupts. "Look, I'll explain later, can I just please talk to Niall alone?" "Ugh. Fine." "Thank you. 

"Now Niall, did any paps follow you here?" 

"No, I drove here with a hoodie and my head down, so hopefully I appeared pretty inconspicuous." 

"Okay, well, thanks for my dress and shoes. Sorry I left them. Um, do you want your clothes back?"

"Nah, you can keep em." *wink that made me swoon* 

At that point, I wasn't sure if I was feeling gratitude because he let me keep his clothes, if I should've been embarrassed because of the previous night's occurrences, or just plain happy that I had his number and the fact that I'd gotten to see him again. My combined feelings were soon disrupted by Niall's next words: "But there is one person I've sort of been forced to have you meet." 

He opened the door again. "Linda!" He shouted. A very tall woman dressed in a very sophisticated dark blue skirt and button-down jacket appeared in my doorway. I invited her in and noticed that her hair was in a perfect blonde bun on her head. She carried a clipboard in one hand that read "Modest! Management Company" on it. In the other hand, she clutched a tablet that seemed to have had several pictures on it that I couldn't make out from a few feet away. As Linda began to speak, she seemed very frightening and cold-hearted.

"As you both probably know, paparazzi found you two last night. They found you two being quite intimate I might add." Again, my face turned beet-red.

"As you both know, the On the Road Again Tour starts tonight. Therefore, we must get moving on the tour bus...but we need you there, too Chrissie. Due to your actions last night, (and the paparazzi catching you two), we can't just leave you here to carry on without Niall. The fans will have questions and the only way to give them answers is by you coming on tour with One Direction. That way, we can say you two are a couple, and that you're going on this tour with the band because you couldn't leave Niall, and Niall couldn't leave you."

"Does this mean I'm going to have to leave college? And how long is the tour?" 

"The tour will be several months," Niall stated. 

"And yes, if you come with us, you'll need to leave college and all of your belongings. Except for your basic tour necessities such as clothes and hair brushes and whatnot," Linda added. Before that morning, my entire life was planned; graduate from high school, get accepted into a college in New York City, graduate from college with a bachelor's degree, then become a writer also in New York City (and along the way find the love of my life!). But hey, sometimes defying your pre-set plans can be the best feeling in the world.

"Okay... I'll come. Where do I sign?" 

"Right here." And with that, the magical piece of paper and pen that changed my life forever were handed to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2015 ⏰

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