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Chaeyoung shifted in her seat uncomfortably.

"Geez, Chaeyoung, stop it!" Eun Ji yelled at her.

Chaeyoung lowered her head and nodded.

It was her first time attending a class meeting, where all the leaders in the class will come together to discuss stuff and listen to the problems of their classmates.

"Ok Chaeyoung, you will be talking to Dokyeom and I will be talking to Hye Ra. Okay?" Eun Ji asked.

Though Chaeyoung was uncertain, she nodded.

A few moments later, Eun Ji left the room and Dokyeom entered.

"So, uh... What do I... Um..." Chaeyoung bit her lip. She was messing up and making herself look like a idiot.

"I have no friends." Dokyeom said, pouting.

What do I say? Chaeyoung started panicking.

Not wanting to make things awkward, Chaeyoung blurted out, " I can be your friend..."

Hearing this, Dokyeom stood up and his face lit up. "Really? Oh my gosh this is amazing!"

As soon as he finished his sentence, he ran out of the room, cheering like a little kid. Oh man, I screwed up. Oh well, Dokyeom can't be that bad, right?


"It's late Momo, you should go back soon." Hoshi said as he started packing his things into his bag.

"Yup, sure. I'll just get a quick shower first." As Momo was about to enter the shower room, Hoshi called out to her.

"Um, want to have dinner together?" Hoshi asked, looking down shyly.

Momo hesitated for a moment. Should she accept the offer? "Um, I'm sorry. I have to go back home to join my um, family...For dinner." as soon as she finished, she picked up her bag and quickly left the dance studio.


Tzuyu held all the grocery bags in one hand and tried to keep all the receipts and money into her wallet single-handedly. However, failing very terribly when she started to lose grip of the bags in her hands. Sighing, she bent down to pick up the bags when a group of teenage boys ran past her and one of them stepped on her hand, which was on the floor, by accident.

"Sorry." the boy mumbled and ran off immediately, leaving Tzuyu speechless.

"That idiot. Argh, my hand hurts." Tzuyu winced and touched her hand lightly.

"You need a doctor." a deep voice said from behind her and a long shadow loomed over her.

Turning around, the pain on her face turned to a scowl as Tzuyu realised it was Mingyu.

"Go away."

"You need a doctor."

"I'm fine."

"You need a doctor."

"I said I'm fine, so go away."

"You need a doctor."

"Yah!"Tzuyu yelled and winced. Her hand.

"I told you."

"Get lost---" within seconds, she swept up into Mingyu's arms and they were on their way to the nearest clinic.


"I'm fine." Tzuyu said as they left the clinic.

"Yeah right. Anyways, you owe me $150."

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