Chapter 14

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The sky was growing dark and Kane's head was killing him, he was sure he had a small lump from where he had hit it. He was now back to been tied up to a tree. The vines had encircled his entire body and he now couldn't move. Least this time he wasn't hung upside down.

He had no idea how long he had been in this crater but his stomach was loudly grumbling. He would kill for a burger.

The sound of thick wet leather rubbing over wet skin filled the silence as the large plant started to move. Kane's heart started to beat faster, was he the next course?

The sound of wet flesh tearing with a squelch replaced the sound of leather as the large cocoon shaped flower started to open as the petals peeled pack. Inside looked like a sticky bloody mess. Long vines reared up and slithered over to the plant, reaching inside they dragged out bits of the skeleton of the man it had eaten when Kane arrived. It had been picked clean of everything. The vines haphazardly and unceremoniously threw the bones around the clearing. When it was emptied the flower started to squelch as it closed up again, ending with the sound of squeaking leather.

It had eaten and digested. Kane knew that the moment it was hungry again he would be next. He knew he wouldn't last another day. With no way out he started saying a silent prey to gods he didn't believe in. If they somehow saved his life he would change his criminal ways.

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