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The house was in mourning. Not everybody could tell of course. Only the young or the young at heart, and even then it was very hard to tell as the differences were very subtle. It could have just been the juxtaposition between the roof and the windows giving it an almost sad look, but it could have been said, that even the red painted, wooden walls seemed less vibrant than normal.

It wasn't till the mail man noticed that the mail was piling up that anyone realised that the poor occupant had sadly passed away.

As the red and blue lights from the ambulance parked out front bathed the house in a pale colour, the house wondered if its new owner would be as nice as its last one. What if they didn't get along, what if the new owner wanted to tear it down and make condos?

The house shuddered, making it creak and groan. Inside, the medics who were just zipping up the body bag looked up alarmed. Quickly lifting the body up on to the trolley, they gathered their stuff and left.

As they were leaving, a large white dog with crystal blue eyes quietly slipped passed them and into the house.

The dog gave a huge heavy sigh as the front door gently closed. Hopefully the new owner was as brave, fun, and exciting as the last.


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