Chapter 24: Visiting Day

Start from the beginning

However, I'm torn this year. If Marcus allows Natalie to come visit Tris, I'd really love to see her. On the other hand, I don't want anyone to know where I come from or that Tris and I were once "family", so that may not be a good idea. Zeke's made some comments in passing about Tris and Uriah's relationship, he still has no idea it would matter to me. Of course Uri will invite his girlfriend; the question is, will Tris have time to go to Hana's and also visit with her mom? While I'm not sure whether Tris will be there... if she does, it would hard for me to be there with them and watch her with Uriah, being included as a part of his family.

"Uh... I'm not sure yet, Zeke. I was kind of looking forward to a day to myself, but I'll think about it," I reply. I know it's lame not to commit to an answer, but I just... can't right now.

Zeke frowns but then shrugs and claps me on the shoulder. "Okay, man. Just come by Mom's place around four o'clock if you want, alright?" I nod in acknowledgement.

On our way to the table we always sit at with Shauna, Lauren, and a few guys Zeke sometimes hangs out with, Zeke taps my shoulder to get me to wait as he stops at Uriah's table. "Hold up just a second. I need to remind Uri of that dinner thing tomorrow, I'm not sure if he knows what time yet." I nod, standing behind Edward, who sits across the table from Uri. Baby Natty is sitting in his lap, smiling at Christina, who sits to his right, as Zeke reminds Uriah of the timing of tomorrow's family dinner.

But then Natty turns her head and sees me standing there. Out of nowhere, she begins lunging forward and fussing. Uriah jerks forward with a start to make sure she doesn't hit her head on the table in the process.

Within moments her quiet fussing has turned to all-out cries and Uriah is calling out to me. "Four, she wants to see you, c'mere."

Why is Natty doing this?! She was fine a moment ago, then she saw me and flipped out. I glance around for Tris; I do want to hold Natty, I really enjoy the time I spend with her and hearing her cry as she tries to reach me is pulling at something inside me. It's almost painful not to snatch her right out of Uriah's arms.

But I don't feel like I should without Tris's permission—she entrusted her to Uriah. He's Tris's boyfriend, and I am just her roommate. I'm sure Uriah spends a lot more time with Tris and Natty than I do. I remember running into them yesterday, Natty in Uriah's arms as he walked through the compound with Tris. I mean, it seems like they're getting more serious; it just doesn't seem right for me to take the baby from him. If Tris were here to give me the okay, that would be one thing, but she's in the food line, too far away to easily check in with.

I run my fingers through my hair, unsure what I should do, and Natty shrieks even louder and reaches her chubby little arms toward me as Uriah again tightens his hold on her so she doesn't jump right out of his arms. He seems completely unfazed by Natty's apparent preference for me.

"Come on, Four! Don't be mean to the baby. It's obvious that she wants to be with you, so take her! Say hello to her. She won't bite," Uriah urges me, now holding her out toward me with his hands firmly around her ribcage under her armpits. I feel my face flush as my friends and the initiates laugh at Uri's implication that I'm afraid of a six-month-old baby and finally concede, scooping Natty into my arms and holding her close against my chest.

Natty immediately stops crying and smiles up at me. She squeals in delight and gives me a big, wet, drool-filled kiss on my chin. "Thank you, Natty," I laugh—her kisses are always more like she's trying to eat you. I see her bag next to Uriah's seat and quickly make my way to it, grabbing a burp cloth to wipe both my face and hers—she always seems to be covered in drool lately. Tris says we'll probably see a tooth pop up soon.

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