Clizzy: Waitress AU

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I liked working the diner night shift. Most people hated it because there were hardly any people coming in which meant there weren't many tips to be made, but I loved the peacefulness and learning the stories of the travelers and strange characters that stopped through.

There was one girl in particular I'd taken an interest in, a beautiful redhead who's name I do not know, but who's story I've inferred. She came in most nights at around ten, sat in the corner booth farthest from the door with her back to the wall, ordered a coffee (no cream no sugar), and just sketched. I haven't heard her voice since the first night she'd come in, since every night after that I'd asked her if she wanted the usual and she'd respond simply with a curt nod and move to her booth, her pencils out immediately.

The bell above the door tinkled quietly and I glanced at the clock, setting down the rag I had been using to clean the counter with a smile. Ten o'clock on the dot. I grabbed the pot of coffee from the coffee maker and took it to her booth where she had already sat down, pencils whizzing across the page. It was one of my strongest desires to ask what it was she was drawing, but I never did, and she never offered the information.

"The usual?" I ask, already pouring her a cup. The customary nod was given and I began to walk away before I heard her speak.

"It's Isabelle, right?" A slightly hoarse voice asked.

I froze for a moment and spun around to face her again. "I'm sorry what was that?" I asked, being too shocked to remember her question.

Her green eyes darted to the name tag pinned to my waitress uniform and then back to my face. "Your name," she said, her voice slightly cleared. "Your name is Isabelle, right?"

"Oh, um, yeah." I stuttered, caught off guard. "What's yours?"

She paused for a moment, as though deciding whether she wanted to answer. "Clary." She replied softly, and I gave her a smile.

"Well, Clary, it's nice to finally know your name."

She smiled back at me, a flush becoming visible on her pale cheeks as she looked back down to her sketch pad.

"Everyday I see you you're drawing in that thing," I continued, "Can I see what you're working on?"

Clary shook her head, flaming red curls bouncing into her face. "It's not done yet," was her simple reply and I nodded.

Seeing that she looked eager to get back to what she was doing I smiled at her once more before turning to go. "Call me if you need a refill."

I headed back to the counter, replacing the coffee pot and grabbing my rag once more, making sure the counter was polished and shining to perfection. After serving the only other customer in the diner, I grabbed my phone from my pocket and snuck a quick glance at it, seeing a notification from my brother, Alec.

Grumpy Pants:
Has your crush shown up yet?

Alec was a firm believer that I had a huge crush on Clary just because I had brought her up a few times in conversation. A couple times a day. And said how beautiful she was. I rolled my eyes at the text before replying.

She's not my crush Alec, and I found out her name today.

It wasn't even a minute later before my phone screen lit up with another message.

Grumpy Pants:
Ahhhhh so she speaks?????

🙄🙄 Yes, she speaks. Her name is Clary, by the way.

"Isabelle?" I heard someone call, and turned to see Clary standing up beside her booth, patting her ripped jeans and the table in front of her with a napkin in an attempt to soak up spilled coffee.

Shoving my phone in my pocket, I grabbed the cleansing wipes from behind the counter and hurried over.

"You okay?" I asked, wiping the table down and picking up the coffee cup that was laying on its side.

Clary nodded, kneeling down to pick up some papers that had fallen. I knelt next to her in an effort to help, despite her protests.

"Oh no, you don't have to-" She cut off abruptly as I picked up a drawing. I gasped as I took in the image.

It was dated from a week ago and not colored, but anyone could tell it was me. I was leaning on the counter, my dark hair wrapped in the signature bun we had to wear as part of our dress code at the diner and my eyes closed as I took a moment to rest. I put the drawing down and picked up another one, seeing me again but this time laughing with a coworker.

"You drew these?" I whisper, my eyes wide as I spotted yet another drawing. It was incomplete, probably the one she was working on today, and my nose was scrunched as I looked at the cell phone peeking from my pocket.

Clary's eyes were like a doe's, huge and nervous looking as she nodded, waiting for a response.

"These are amazing!" I gushed, handing them back to her and standing up, grabbing her hand to help her from the floor. "Why did you draw them?"

Clary looked at the ground, her cheeks reddening once more. "I go to an art school and the professor told us for our last project of the semester to go out and find something beautiful to draw, so I did."

My smile grew and I bit my lip to keep from squealing like a child. "Well if you had to draw something beautiful, you should have done a self portrait." I flirted with a wink before grabbing my notepad and pen from my pocket. I wrote my number down and passed it to her with a wink and a quick "call me" before walking away to get her a new cup of coffee.

My phone went off and I saw a new message.



Just a little flirty thing to start this book off. Next chapter will have an actual relationship going on that's already started, not the beginning. I may add a part to this later on, but I'll title it Clizzy: Waitress AU 2 or something so you know. Comment what you think!

Shadowhunters One Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें