Chapter 17

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Layla's POV:

Watching him walk away broke me. Each step he took a piece of me died inside. Have you ever had someone you love walk away from you? Leaving you there confused and broken hearted? I just felt cold inside, I could hardly feel the tears making their way heavily and fast down my face. Does this mean that he has rejected me now? That one thought made my heart start to shatter into tiny pieces. I could feel the heavy gazes of his pack members on me, slowly I lifted my head and was met by sympathetic faces. This made me feel uncomfortable, I don't even know these people and yet here they are looking as if they want to comfort me. Flashing them what was supposed to be a small smile but it turned out like a grimace, I quickly sprinted home.

Three weeks. It has been three weeks since that day. Three weeks since I have eaten, drank and talked to anyone. I refused to leave my room. I feel empty inside, I have even tried to move but my body is numb. I can't even move from where I lay on my bed to go for a shower. I can just picture what I would look like now. My eyes that show no life in them, my skin would like as if it's been sucked in so it shows my bones and my once long hair all greasy and knotted. I miss him terribly. Not once in these three weeks has he tried to connect me in anyway. I can tell that my father is worried about me as I have not drank any blood since the time I drank from Lincoln 5 weeks ago. You see vampires can last up to 3 months without any blood but without me eating I can feel myself getting weaker everyday. Without drinking blood I will die with two weeks maximum if I am that lucky. Signing to myself I begin to stare up at the ceiling, losing myself in thought yet again. And do you know what the worst of it all? I am three weeks pregnant.

Lincoln's POV:

It's has been three weeks since I walked away from my mate leaving her broken hearted. I can still remember feeling her heart break through our bond. It took everything I had in me not to turn and run back to her. But this is for the best, I can't hurt her again. Ever since that day I have been nothing but a mess, I seem to always be snapping at anyone who has been talking to me. Signing to myself I ran a hand through my knotted hair and rubbed my red sore eyes while thinking of what I should do next.

I could hear the front door slam and heavily pounding footsteps making their way towards my office. Not even bothering to be alarmed I just sat there waiting for the person to enter. As soon as he entered, I wasn't surprised to see him here standing in front of me.

"What the hell is wrong with you!!???" his voice boomed but before I was able to respond he began talking again. "Have you any idea what you are putting my daughter through!! She has not left her room in three weeks! She won't eat, drink or talk to anyone! She won't even drink any blood and do you know what that means if she doesn't drink any? She will die! She only has two weeks to live if she is lucky! You did this to her!!" he screamed in my face but only eight words kept going through my mind. She will dies..... Has two weeks to live. My heart broke with those eight words. I can't believe this is happening I caused this to happen to my angel. I have to stop this.

When two worlds collideOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz