Chapter 1

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When both of our species were created, we were destined to have a mate within our own species. I have been searching for my mate since I was 18 when I first shifted except I have yet to find her. Imagine being the only werewolf without their mate. Having no one to hold, love and trust it leaves you heart broken seeing other were wolves with their mates. But I have a feeling that something big is coming and it will change both of our species altogether. This is my story of how love can be the most powerful thing alive......

Lincoln POV: 

I wake up to the sun shinning brightly onto my face, I can feel the heat from the suns rays on my body. Slowly stretching and wiping my large hand across my face, while rolling myself into a sitting position on my large satin queen size bed. As alpha there are many responsibilities that have to be done to ensure the safety of the whole of the blue moon pack.

I have been the alpha of the blue moon pack since I turned 18. My family was killed by vampires for reasons that I am still trying to figure out, there are so many secrets that still have to be discovered. I feel as though my parents have been keeping secrets from me about why I can't go into the dark shadow woods. Shaking my head from the thoughts of my family I start to do my daily routine and get ready for the day a head of me. 

Making my way downstairs, I enter the kitchen and I can already smell the lust flowing off of the unmated females in my pack. To be honest I can't blame them I am hot as fuck! I am 6'6 with piercing blue eyes and short brown hair. I have a eight pack from all the training I do to build my strength and to look good for my mate when I find her.

After having a large breakfast, I decide to go for a long run to blow off some steam. I have figured out that in the past few days, my wolf has been wanting to come out more. I start to strip off my clothes and close my eyes letting the transformation take over me. Now standing on all fours where I was just standing before is my beautiful black 6ft wolf. I love being in my wolf form it gives me a sense of freedom and I just forget everything that is having.

As the wind was blowing through my fur I begin to feel a pull towards my right. Giving into my wolf I begin to travel towards the thing that is making me feel this way. Except as I enter the clearing I never expected to see what I did.


I really hope you enjoyed this first chapter it is my first time writing a book

So comment and vote please

Love Jemma xxxxx

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