Chapter 11

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Lincoln POV:

I could already sense that Layla is still upset about what happened earlier on today. I can't believe that she would think that I would cheat on her with some slut. All I know is that today I am going to prove to her that she is the only one that I want and need to survive in this world. And I know just what to do. With the help from Sam my beta I was able to make the best first date ever in her eyes. Making my way towards her house, I can't help but feel nervous. Ringing her doorbell my jaw drops at the sight of her.

Layla POV:

Standing in front of the mirror I can't help but run my hands nervously down my red satin dress, ensuring there are no creases on it. I am so nervous about our date, I hope I don't do something stupid to embarrass myself. I was pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of the doorbell going off. 'OMG!! He is here' I thought to myself as I tried to control my breathing. After I finally have my breathing in check I rush downstairs to answer the door.

As I opened the door all I could do is see Lincoln's jaw drop, removing my eyes from his face I finally see what he is wearing. My jaw also drops at the sight in front of me, there in front of my eyes is my sexy mate dressed in a black suit. I think my mouth was about to water except I was interrupted by Lincoln clearing his throat.

"You look wow, baby you look so beautiful" I blushed at the comment and smiled at him.

"You don't look to bad yourself hunny" after I said this I winked at him causing him to chuckle at me.

"Are you ready to go then my angel?" he asked. All I did was nod my head and made my way outside to the car that was waiting for us. All the way to the car all I could do was stare at his perfectly shaped ass. A chuckle brought me out of my staring and I looked up to see Lincoln looking at me with amusement dancing in his eyes.

"See something you like baby?" he asked smirking.

"Meh I have seen better" as soon as I said this the smirk dropped right off his face, causing me to smirk instead.

"Not nice angel, you will need to be punished later" he whispered into my ear causing shivers of pleasure to rush though my body. I moved closer to him so our fronts were touching and leaned up so my mouth was next to his ear.

"Then I cant wait for tonight baby" As I whispered that to him I nipped his ear causing him to groan. Pulling away I could see the desire in his eyes.

"Not nice angel" He growled playfully at me while I just smiled sweetly at him. After that we got into the car and he drove us to where are date was going to me.

About 15 minutes into the journey Lincoln stops the car and puts a blindfold over my eyes.

"What are you doing?" I asked him in surprise, his only reply was "No peeking" like that really helps. Huffing I sit back into the seat and the car starts up again. I don't know how long after we have been driving but the car finally pulls to a halt. Slowly stepping out the car with the guidance of my mate, the blindfold is finally taken away and the sight in front of me is breathtaking.


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Love Jemma xxxx

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