Chapter Sixteen

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I was kind of annoyed that I broke my hand. It would definitely be annoying for the six weeks I had to wear a cast.

I was up early and decided to take the day off, it was much needed and the hospital would understand since I just broke my hand. I looked around in the fridge for something to eat, settling on cereal because I was too lazy to make myself food.

I heard knocking on my front door and assumed it was Angie, I had felt bad that she had to stay with Antonio the night before. I got into a car accident speeding to her house to get there as quickly as possible, and I never ended up arriving.

"Are you okay?" she asked me when I opened up the door. I let her inside and locked the door before answering her.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be? A broken hand never hurt anyone," I joked.

"How did you break it anyway?"

"Uh, I was speeding a little and I crashed," I didn't want her to know that I was going 200mph because of her.

As I sat down next to her I noticed that her face was red, and it kind of looked like she was going to get a bruise there, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" she mocked. "Getting slapped never hurt anyone."

I chuckled lowly. "Looks like it hurt you."

I stopped paying attention after that, it hurt me to know that the person who was supposed to love her unconditionally could cause so much damage and have this much hate towards her. He brought her into this world and he didn't treat her as his creation, but more of a burden that was forced upon him. I didn't understand and I never would, her family had money, she had money, her mother seems to care although she never protects Angie, but Angie's father brought around pure negativity, and I hated it.

Knocking on the door interrupted my thoughts, "Angie can you get that?"

She groaned before getting up and walking over to the door, she had her hand on the handle but let go of it after she looked through the peep-hole.

"Uh, it's your mom."

"My mom?" Why was she here? She just saw me yesterday...


I got up to answer the door so it didn't look weird. "Hey Mom," I said as I opened the door, "What're you doing here?"

"Move Aubrey."

I got out of her way and she stormed into my apartment angry as hell.

"What the hell is going on with you two?" she yelled at us, "I thought this was a temporary thing but obviously it's not," she glared at Angela.

"It is a temporary thing."

"Well it surely doesn't look that way! You guys need to tell me what's going on in between you two and I mean it."

I looked over at Angela, not sure what to say. "We're not doing anything, mom. Will you calm down? She's sixteen. I'm twenty-eight. Do you think I'd really put my career in jeopardy for a minor?"

"You're lying to me and I know it. If you wouldn't put your career in jeopardy for a minor, why did I hear you call her 'babe' the other day? Stop lying. Please!"

I called her babe on the phone? I didn't remember saying that, the Vicodin had knocked me out for twenty minutes, but I thought I was fine after that.

"I slipped up." I told her.

She stood there, silent, but her face was still crimson red.

"I can't believe you would do something so stupid." She mumbled before she slammed the door behind her.

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