Chapter Two

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As much as I didn't want to go to Dr. Graham's office, I knew that it would be best if I just went. I was just afraid that I'd make things worse with my father. But then again, things are probably as bad as they're going to get. I don't know why, but ever since my father lost his job a few years back, he's become this insane, crazy monster. He starts off by yelling - he says some heinous things, but I've learned to just shrug them off - and then, when he starts getting super heated, he starts hitting me. In the past few years, I've learned to just take it. It hurts, of course, but I've learned to mask my pain.

I took my five crumpled one dollars bills out of my pocket and jammed them into the box for peoples' bus fare. My mother was nice enough to give me a ten today. She normally just gives me a five, but I was able to coax her after a good five minutes. I knew that five bucks wouldn't be enough for lunch and bus fare. I looked around the full bus, debating on where to sit. Since schools around the county just got out, it was rather full. Because I didn't want to sit next to a bunch of boys and I didn't want to disturb the lady who was knitting, so I decided to stand.

My phone buzzed so I took it out of my pocket. I caught a glimpse of myself in the reflection. I winced as I touched the scratch underneath my right eye. I had done my best to cover it up with makeup but it must've worn off throughout the day. People asked me about how I got it so I lied and told them that it was my cat despite the fact that I don't even have a cat. My phone vibrated again, causing me to refocus my attention.

Sianna: Girl! What was up with u today? U were acting all kinds of weird

Me: I had a lot on my mind...

Sianna: U always say that but when I ask u what was wrong u always come up with some lame excuse. I thought we were best friends?

Me: We are, but there are just some things that I need to keep to myself for now. I'll tell you when I'm ready alright.

Sianna: K I guess. Text me if u need anything but don't call. Im going to the movies with guess who! Andre!!

Me: Lmfao, you're too much Si. Have fun. (:

Even though I don't tell her everything that's been going on, I can't think of a time off the top of my head that she hasn't been there for me. Whenever I need someone to talk to, she's there. Whenever I need a place to stay, she always opens her home up to me. I only met her last year when she moved into my neighborhood, but I can honestly say that she's been the true and realest friend I've had thus far.

The bus finally came to my stop in front of the office and I hopped off. This place was all too familiar. I walked inside the building then stepped onto the elevator, pressing floor three where Dr. Graham works. People got on as we ascended. Eventually we got to floor three. I stepped off first and took a deep breath before entering the office. "Angela," the lady behind the desk said. Her name's Ima or Imani or something like that. "Nice to see you. You have an appointment for three thirty. I'm sure Dr. Graham's expecting you."

An appointment? "Oh, okay. Thank you," I smiled sweetly.

I made my way to the back where I knew he would be. Sure enough, he was there, sitting behind his desk, typing away. I knocked on the door softly and he looked up at me, our eyes meeting. He smiled and so did I. "Angela," he said, just like the lady did earlier. "Come in. Have a seat. Please."

Like always, I did as I was told. I put my purse by my feet and crossed my legs. "I didn't know I had an appointment," I said.

He shook his head. "You don't. Well, actually, you do now. I want to check out the bruises again. I want to see exactly what your boyfriend did to you... If he did any internal damage. You know, the usual."

I nodded my head and he stood up, adjusting his white coat. He motioned for me to come with him, so I picked my purse up and followed behind him. Not long after we made our way to an exam room. As I laid down, he put a pair of gloves on. "I don't have some kind of disease," I said through a little bit of laughter.

"Just a medical procedure I have to follow." He turned around and grabbed my arm, beginning to examine it. One of the bruises that was small the day before was starting to turn purple. "So, Angela, when are you going to tell me what happens at home?"

"What makes you think that things are going on at home?"

"For one, you don't seem like you have a boyfriend and two, I'm sure you wouldn't let your boyfriend beat you like this... Would you?" he asked. He tore his attention from my bruise and looked up at me, an eyebrow raised.

I shrugged. "We were both drunk," I lied. "And he thought I cheated on him. One of his friends told him that... And, you know, he just got kind of upset."

Dr. Graham finished examining my arm and moved to my other one. "He hit you with a belt?"

"Yes," I lied again. I hate lying. Especially for my father. I'm over here, trying to protect him when he's supposed to be protecting me.

We both stayed silent as he continued examining me. I laid absolutely still, wishing that I would have just told him the truth. I wish it was as easy as he's making it out to be, but it's not. It's really not. When he was done, I pulled my sleeves down and my shirt. Thank god I wore pants.

When we got back to his office, he started writing something down. "I'm not as naïve as you think I am... I know something's up. I wish you were honest with me. I care about you, Angela, really. I wouldn't be as worried about you as I am if I didn't," he said as he put the cap back on the pen. He handed a sticky note to me and I looked down at it - it had his number on it. "I don't think your boyfriend did this, but if he did, call me if he does it again. I've seen you like this so many times before and I'm tired of it."

I nodded my head, unsure of what to say. I liked the way he cared about me; I've never met someone cared that much about me. It felt foreign. "Okay, I will," I smiled faintly. Hopefully I won't be needing this number tonight.

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