Chapter Six

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As we were driving to my mom's house, I thought about everything that has happened lately. This whole Angie-situation has made me so insane. I can't think about anything besides her. When I'm not doing something important or with a patient, I literally sit at my desk and think about how I can help her out to make her life more livable and enjoyable. She's only sixteen - she is not supposed to be in a situation like this. The girl's supposed to be able to go out with her friends and have a good time without fearing that her dad's going to beat her when she comes home.

Where in the hell is her mother in all of this, though? Does she just not care? I saw her crying that night. She has to know about this.

Angela snapped her fingers in front of my face, causing me to snap out of my thoughts. "Earth to Dr. Graham!" she said. "You missed your turn."

I rubbed the back of my neck and made a quick u-turn. "Sorry, just thinking about stuff."

"Like what?" she asked, an eyebrow raised. "I hope it's not about me."

"Just work," I sighed.

She looked over and glared at me. "I'm one person, stop worrying so much about me."

"Well when you don't have to come into my office every other week because he hurt you then I'll worry alittle less."

She stared at me and I knew had been too harsh, "Sorry." I said, not wanting to make her unhappy.

She let out a breath and slumped down in her seat.

When we got to my mom's house, I parked my car and got out. Angie got all of her stuff together and then got out as well. I opened the door and headed inside, she was trailing behind me. "Mom!" I called out. The TV was pretty loud, so I was sure she didn't hear me.

My mother was sitting on the couch when I saw her, watching some soap. I put my hands around her eyes and she jumped. Because I felt bad, I let go of her and she put a hand on her chest. "Oh my goodness, Aubrey! Don't ever do that again," she said through a little bit of laughter.

"Don't leave the front door unlocked then."

She was about to say something but decided against it. Angela stood next to me and my mom's brows furrowed together. This is what I didn't want to have to deal with. I know my mom doesn't mind looking after her, but I also know that she's not really a big fan of looking after her, either. She has to be a bit annoyed. "Mom, can you watch Angela again? Please?" I asked.

I knew that she was angry I put her on the spot like this. She sighed and nodded her head. "Yeah."

"Thank you," I said. I left out of the room and motioned for Angela to come with me. She followed behind me until we got into the kitchen. "Come to the office tomorrow. After school. And don't go back home. Whatever you do, I want you to avoid going home until we get things worked out because your dad didn't seem happy that I was working with you."

She sighed and nodded her head. "I won't." She leaned on the counter and I could tell she was thinking about something.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

Angie thought for a few more minutes. Her eyes were fixed on the floor and then she looked up at me. "He's gonna wanna know where I've been and when I do actually talk to him, he's going to be pissed off..." she trailed off.

I bit the inside of my cheek. "Stop worrying so much. You're stressing me out." I laughed a little bit but she didn't think it was amusing one bit. "I'll figure something out."

"I hope," she mumbled as she turned around and headed out of the kitchen. Her and my mom were talking and soon after, I heard laughter. I knew they would like they like each other. I poured myself some water and looked to see what kind of food my mom had saved in the fridge. Nothing I wanted, that's for sure. I sipped on my water before setting the glass in the sink.

Once I was done, I headed back into the living room where they were telling each other about some show they watch. Despite the fact I didn't watch the show, it felt like I knew everything that happened in the last episode just by listening to them. "Anyways, I'm going to get out of here," I cut them off.

My mom stood up. "Okay, baby," she said as she started walking to the door. 

"Remember what I told you, Angela."

She nodded her head. "I will... Thank you again." She smiled small at me and then waved.

I smiled in return and then started walking towards the door. I gave my mom a quick hug before digging my keys out of my pocket. She watched as I got in my car and drove off. It makes me feel good when I help my patients out, even if it means having to beg my mom to let one stay at her house. Deep down, I think my mom enjoys the company. Of course, if I had the feeling Angela was a troublemaker I wouldn't have ever brought her to my mom's house, but Angela's a sweet girl. Nice and respectful.

When I got to my apartment, I parked my car and headed to the entrance. I waved to Tony as usual before stepping onto the elevator. Someone gently tapped on my shoulder and I turned around. What the hell does she want? "Aubrey!" she said through a smile. "Why haven't you returned my calls or texts? I want to talk to you."

I rolled my eyes and pressed the button so that the doors would close fast. Unfortunately, Natasha still has the chance to step onto the elevator. Great. Just great. "I really don't want to discuss this, Natasha. Please stop harassing me. It's getting annoying."

The elevator stopped on my floor and I stepped off. The sound of her heels were clicking against the floor. "Please, baby... I was drunk. I wasn't thinking straight. You've made mistakes, right?"

I put my key into the door and turned it. Before she had the chance to enter, I stood in front of the door. "Cheating isn't a mistake, it's a choice. Now please, leave me alone. I don't want to be with you."

"Yes you do." She rolled her eyes and turned around, flipping her hair over her shoulder. I don't know why I ever fell for her. She's just a materialistic girl. I really don't have time to deal with all of her bullshit right now, especially since I have problems of my own.

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