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Okay so this is a preview of something I've been working on where Hydra makes kids from Avenger DNA... Sounds weird but I wanna know what you guys think of this. It is a reader story, but for now this is just a preview.

Both groups just stood there, unaware what to do, let alone what to say. The group of VIgilantes looked straight ahead, staring into the eyes of teenagers whose eyes mirrored their own. Except one, a teen in the very front wielding a machine gun, pointing it in the direction of the group, standing boldly in front of the rest of the youngsters, black baseball cap on her head.

She stood up straight lowering her gun. " Alexia, Jacob. " The young twins snapped their head towards the young lady and immediately stood up straight.

" I believe we've been an intrusion long enough." The two twins understood and together teleported the entire group of teenagers to an unknown location.

The Adults stood there, shocked, until Tony spoke up " What the hell just happened?"

~~~~(You 7 hours beforehand)~~~~

You sat in your cell, which consisted of glass walls and a padded floor. Outside the glass walls, was thick metal walls that were poorly painted white. Blinding lights that were on 24/7 hung from the ceiling outside your glass prison.

Today would be your last day in this hell. You've been planning this day for weeks.You have someone on the outside, tainting the medicine that disables your abilities until you fully recovered. You would break out, then get everyone else outta here. Fortunately, there were only three people including yourself, being tortured, or as they called it trained. The rest of them got normal training. Although. On the other hand. Now, over half the group can't take a bullet. They can fight though, good enough.


The sound of footsteps breaks you from your thought, and you struggle to hold back a smile, but you manage. Men in military suits walk through the door in a single file line. About twenty arrange themselves around the glass, and two stand by a man in a different armor. Strucker. You subtly look at all the soldiers, they all look at you stone faced. You look at the one standing closest to the door. He winked at you. A small smirk takes place on your lips, but it is gone as quickly as it came, so fast it pulled off as a twitch.

Strucker scanned his fingerprint, and the glass morphed a doorway. The leader and his body guards began to walk through, including your decoy. As soon as the final two men walked into the door, it closed.

You let a smirk take place on your lips, and you began giggling. The leader was about to speak, but you took out all of the men outside the tank, their bodies falling to the floor lifelessly. He looked at me, a surprised look on his face, I froze them and stood up " Surprise!" I said with small jazz hands.

Lucas, the one who was undercover. Transformed back into his mutant form and began taking off the cuffs I had on my feet. " I know this is probably really confusing." I began as I took the gun off his hip.

" But in all reality." You grabbed the knife off his belt with your other hand and stabbed the three guards inside the cell.

" You should've seen it coming." You said as you began to walk out of the cell.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2017 ⏰

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