How You Met

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    How You Met


I've told her multiple times. Don't go to the bar without me, now this is not because I drink. Actually, I don't really drink at all. I do this because

 a) Immature mutant who has a hard time controlling her "gift" + Alcohol= Disaster

b) She, by most standards, could be considered attractive, and we all know how attractive ladies get treated at bars.

That being said I just got a text from Callie (Your friend in the story) was at a bar, drunk, and needed a ride home. So, I teleported a few blocks away from the location she told me the bar was at, and began my walk to get Cal. As I walk in the bar, I am kinda surprised at how little people there were, not what I expected. I see Callie in the back, being groped by some dude, and by the looks of it she was struggling to push him off. Oh HELL NO. I quickly, but coolly walk up to the dude and yank him back by the collar. Making him fall on the floor.

" What the hell?" He asked looking up at me.

" Beat it." I said looking him directly in the eyes.

He stood up stumbled a little and then attempted to raise a hand, only for it to be grabbed by some buff dude behind him. He looked back, and his face immediately fell.

" She said beat it." he said sternly. The man who tried to hit us yanked his wrist out of the buff guys hand and ran out the door.

I looked at him and put a small smile on my face.

" Thanks Mr...." I said expecting him to finish" Logan, names Logan" he said, before Callie remembered I had a reason to be upset with her.

" (Y/n), I'm so sorry!" She said hugging me and putting her face in the crook of my neck " I should have listened." she said, her word muffled by my sweater. I felt her body relax and I took that as a sign that she fell asleep, I picked her up bridal style, and grabbed her keys out of her back pocket, and drove her home. After I put her in bed, I teleported home. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and a napkin fell out. ' Call me sometime - Logan ' You laughed and added him to your contacts.


You sat in a cafe, reading and drinking coffee. You checked your watch and decided it was about time you head home. You threw away your now empty coffee cup and began to make your way to the door. Until somebody bumped into you spilling their coffee, all over you. Thankfully, it was only mildly warm. So it didn't scald you. You looked up to see a woman with blonde hair and brown eyes.

" I'm so terribly sorry, I wasn't paying attention are you alright?" You asked with a concerned look on your face.

" I'm fine, oh god, I'm so sorry." she said looking at your soaking wet shirt.

You looked down to see your white shirt, now a brown color, and....your book..... Your one hundred and two dollar book... was drenched.

" Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I'll pay for it honest." the girl said frantically.

" It's fine, they don't even sell it anymore." You said, flicking as much coffee as you could off the book into the trashcan.

A man walked into the door " Raven are you ready to-" he stopped talking as soon as he saw you, and who you were guessing, was Raven.

" Raven what did you do?" He asked looking at the blonde. He then looked at the book in your hand 'Mutations in Man, by Springer Berlin Heidelberg'
He sighed " I have two copies in my library, I would be happy to give you one." He said handing you a napkin.

" Thank you Mr.~" " Xavier, Charles Xavier."


You and Charles have been friends since the second grade, so when he called you asking if you could help him train some mutants that we're having trouble controlling their abilities, you said yes, no hesitation. So now you were pulling up to Charles's mansion. As you got out of the car you were immediately engulfed in a hug from a blue skinned Raven.

" (Y/n) long time no see, where've you been?" She asked giving me a toothy grin.

" Busy, unfortunately. Where's Charles?" you asked returning the smile.

" Patio." She replied walking with you up to the doorway.

"Once you two made in inside you began to head separate ways " We are hanging out later." She said pointing in my direction.

" I'm counting on in beautiful." You said making your way to the patio. Upon your arrival you see Charles, and a cute guy with blue eyes in a gray sweatsuit.

" Ahh, (Y/N)" He said engulfing me in a hug" this is your new pupil, Erik, Erik this is (Y/n), she will help with making you stronger." he said enthusiastically.

" Pleasure to meet you." I said holding out my hand.

"The pleasure is mine." he said shaking my hand.


You worked for the CIA, you were the main scientist for Division X. One day you were in your office grabbing a pen, the one thing you forgot to bring to the lab. When your boss walked in, "(Y/n) this is Hank," he said gesturing to a tall guy with a glasses." He will be your assistant, from here on out." I put a smile on my face and held out my hand.

" Pleasure to meet you Hank, Im (Y/n), welcome to my, well, our office." I said shaking his hand.

" U-um n-nice to m-meet you." He stuttered out.

Heh, I think I'm gonna like this kid.


You were moving into a house in the suburbs with your aunt. You had just unpacked the final box and wanted to introduce yourself to the new neighbors. Since your aunt was at work you decided to just head over. As you walked up to the door, you noticed the doormat looked like it had been ran over. I lightly knocked on the door and awaited an answer. A woman, in about her thirties answered the door. She had a look of worry on her face

" What did he do now, I'll write a check for whatever he took and~" you decided to politely cut her off " Ma'am I was just coming over to introduce myself, I'm your new neighbor (Y/N). My aunt and I just moved in next door." You informed her.

" Oh, well. I'm Mrs.Maximoff, hold on a sec. PETER COME MEET OUR NEW NEIGHBOR!" She screamed the last part, making me jump. Seconds later a boy with silver hair and a Pink Floyd shirt, was in the doorway.

" Sup, names Peter," he said quickly.

" (Y/n)." you said in a relaxed tone.

" Wanna play pong?" he asked simply.

" Hell yeah." You said, a smirk finding its way to your lips.

I'm sorry Hank and Peter's were so short...SEE YOU NEXT CHAPTER!

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