"Did you not want to?"

"No I think it will be fun. I don't spend enough time with them."

"Sorry, that might be my fault," he didn't sound sincere, not at all.

"Well, the outcome is worth it."

"I'm so happy to hear that. So skating, work, and the rest just you and me?"

"Yep, unless someone else is joining that I don't know about," I raised my eyebrow.

"Well, maybe I'll invite my boss."

"Oh, yeah, just rub it in his face that we're together."

"I want to rub it in everyone's face beautiful."

"Me too, the world should know that it will just be us forever."

"Well if they see us, like Janet, they'll know."

I laughed and laid down on him, and he put one hand behind his head as the other was twirling my hair.

"Good, you're mine and only mine."

"Back at ya."

We decided to go to his work first so that we had all day to ourselves, even though we didn't want to leave the balcony.

He drove there, insisting I sat in the middle of the truck, and held my hand.

"I like your truck."

"Really? It's old and starting to rust, why do you like it?"

"It's like a piece of you, it tells a story. You could just get a new one but you'll probably use it until it no longer works."

"Yeah I will. I bought it used when I was seventeen and I've had it since. Its only been five years, but its put on a lot of miles."

"We have all put on a lot of miles in the last five years."

"Well, at least we both ended up here after our travels."

"That's true. I wouldn't want it any other way."

He looked over at me briefly, with worry in his eyes, "Can I ask you something."

"Kane, you can ask me anything, you're probably the only person, and I will give you an honest answer every time. You don't have to ask."

"Truly honest?"

"Of course, do you think I would lie to you?"

"No! No, I just don't want you to say what you think I want to hear, you know?"

"Kane, ask the question before I come up with even more ideas about what you're going to ask. You're freaking me out."

"Sorry, I just want a truly honest answer Dani. Just think first okay?"

"Kane? I'm only ever honest with you, what is this about?"

"If you could change things so that you were never kidnapped and lived your life normally, would you do it?"

I thought for a second, "Would I end up here?"

"I doubt it, we're not very close to your family."

It clicked, "You're asking if I would choose a regular past without you, or my tortured past with you," it wasn't a question but he answered anyways.

"Yes, just, please think first."

I thought about it, he didn't want me to say that I would take the past for him, but I would every time the option was given, 'I have my family and him, why would I settle for just my family, when he means so much? My past is just that, he's my future and I couldn't imagine anything better.'

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