Episode Six: The Parental Introduction

Start from the beginning

" Why is that?" Leonard asked pretending he had no idea why.

" Well, we haven't had date night in a while since last time she was very cranky and I didn't want to brother a women currently on their menstrual cycle and the then we haven't had one last night which was always date night. Maybe she is mad at me." Sheldon explained.

" Well, maybe she just wanted to spend time with Penny." Leonard blurted. Sheldon thought for a second.

" That could be a possibly. Since they are very close and women seem to have very deep friendships.

" Yeah, something like that." Leonard opened the door to the outside.


Sheldon walked in the house and there was many people there from work her recognized. The first thing he wanted to do was find Amy. He looked all over and couldn't find her.I looked some more than found Penny.

" Hi, Penny." Sheldon was happy to see a friend of his.

" Hey, Sweetie." Penny smiled.

" Yeah, em. Do you happen to know where Amy is. She told me she rode with you." Sheldon asked. Penny smiled and pointed toward the buffet table. Sheldon looked over that direction and was surprised. He couldn't see her face since she was facing the other direction but he recognized the tiara sitting on her head. She was wearing the tightest dress he ever saw on her and showed her curvy hips and some three inch heels she could barely walk in. Sheldon gulped and made his way over to her.

" Amy?" Sheldon said in shock. Amy turned around smiling.

" Hi, Sheldon." She smiled. Sheldon examined her outfit further.

" Where did you get that dress?" Sheldon asked.

" Oh, Penny and went shopping. What do you think?" Amy asked nervously.

" Well, I think it was a waste buying this dress." Sheldon said emotionlessly.

" Excuse me." Amy exclaimed.

" Well, you know how I don't like change and this is change."

" I thought you will like get." Amy's face turned from excitement to anger.

" Amy, you don't know how hard change is for me." Sheldon reminded her.

" You don't know how hard it is being your girlfriend! I've done everything to please you, I've been the best girlfriend ever. I did this for you!" Amy cried and ran out of the room. Sheldon realized that everyone was watching.

" What's you looking at." Sheldon said with attitude. Penny walked up to Sheldon.

"You're a jerk, Sheldon." Penny said angrily.

" Well,you are too." Sheldon said back.

" Me! Why me?" Penny exclaimed.

" Well, you went over and changed my girlfriend. She was perfectly fine the way she was and you went over and changed her." Sheldon said meanly.

" Well, She asked me to do that. She wanted to impress you." Penny explained

" She did?" Sheldon whispered.

" Yeah, you haven't been showing her how you feel and she wants that."

" Well, you have no idea. I did tell her I loved her."

" Yeah, I know and I jumped for joy when she told me. But the fact is you still haven't committed to her. I know that it's hard for you but if you truly care about her then you should make her happy." Penny told her. Sheldon looked at her madly.

" Well, excuse me. I have to apologize to my girlfriend now." Sheldon left the room to go find Amy. He looked everywhere and finally found her in the backyard where no one else was. He could tell she was cold so he took of his jacket and put it on her shoulder.

" Thanks." Amy looked down. There was a long silence.

" I'm sorry." Sheldon said.

" No, I'm sorry. I clearly am trying to hard." Amy sighed not daring to look at his face.

" No, It's me." Sheldon wanted her to look at him. " Look at me." Amy hesitated but then looked up at his face. She got teary and a tear fell her face. He wiped her tear of her face.

" Don't cry." Sheldon whispered.

" Sorry." Amy wiped the tears in her eyes.

" Amy, I like you just the way you are, you don't need to change." Sheldon told her.

" I don't?" Amy grinned.

" No."


" That was good." Raj said as he helped Bernadette with the dishes. Howard was rocking baby Joseph to sleep.

" Yeah. I the trick is to use my secret seasoning." Bernadette said as she put the dishes in the dishwasher.

" What secret seasoning?" Raj asked.

" It wouldn't be a secret if I told you." Bernadette smiled. All of the sudden Joey started crying.

" He must be hungry." Howard said from the living room.

" Again!" Bernadette sighed.


" So that was a great day." Amy smiled as both Sheldon and Amy walked back to her apartment.

" Yeah." Sheldon smiled. They went to the zoo and Amy bought him a koala stuffed animal and a toy train with the words 'Los Angeles Zoo' on it. In return Sheldon bought Amy a Monkey stuffed animal that she really loved. They had a really good time and got to her apartment at six o'clock.

" Want to come inside?" Amy asked " I have yoohoo."

" I'll love too." Sheldon grinned. They walked into Amy's apartment and Sheldon sat in his spot on the couch. Amy poured a glass of yoohoo and gave it to Sheldon.

" So want to watch a movie?" Amy asked.

" What movie?" Sheldon asked.

" Maybe Gravity, I just recently bought the DVD. I haven't seen it yet." Amy suggested.

" Okay." Sheldon smiled. He had already seen it but he wanted to make her happy. Amy put the DVD in and they started to watch the movie. Amy laid her head against his shoulder and Sheldon didn't mind it. At one point, Amy got scared and hide her face in his shoulder. Sheldon put his arm around her so she could be more comfortable. After the movie was done Amy turned of the TV.

" That was intense." Amy commented.

" Yeah" Sheldon smiled. " It's getting late, Leonard is coming to pick me,soon." Sheldon got up, took his bag of gifts, and made his way toward the door and Amy followed him. Sheldon opened the door and turned around.

" I Love you." Sheldon told her. He was saying that to her more often and it always made her happy.

" Love you, too." Amy blushed. Sheldon then remembered that it was date night. He walked closer to her and gave her a passionate kiss, Sheldon then broke away.

" See you tomorrow?" He asked.

" Yeah." Amy couldn't stop smiling.

" Bye, Dr.Fowler" Sheldon said.

" Bye, Dr. Cooper." Amy smiled. As Sheldon walked away Amy laid her head against the door. She was happy Sheldon was being more intimate, he knew she had always wanted more and he was finally starting to. She was so happy that he told her that he loved her and she loved him too.

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